Academic profile

I am a geographer and spatial planner, working alongside three research streams (1) European Spatial Policies, (2) trends in urban developments (housing policies, digitalisation, digital twins, climate change adaptation), and (3) financialization of infrastructure.  I am currently a Professor of Urban and Regional Research at the Institute of Spatial Planning at TU Vienna and an Affiliated Professor and Senior Departmental Fellow at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Before joining TU Vienna, I was Assistant Professor of Planning and Housing at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge and Interim Professor of International Planning Studies at TU Dortmund University, at the Faculty of Spatial Planning. I came to Cambridge on a British Academy Newton International Fellowship. I was awarded my Doctor for my thesis ‘Macro-regional integration – new scales, spaces and governance for Europe’ from the Institute of Geography, Erlangen-Nuremberg University. I am regularly advising the European Commission and am involved in large scale international projects. I am also Co-editor of the book EU Cohesion Policy and European Spatial Governance.



I support the Department of Land Economy in Paper 10 (The Built environment) and PGR 02 (Urban and Housing Policies).



(Selected Journal Publications 2020-2023)

  • Jia, Y., Morrison, N., & Sielker, F. (2023). Delivering common property in Chinese contractual communities: Law, power and practice. Urban Studies0(0).
  • Quek, H., Sielker, F., Akroyd, J., Bhave, A., Von Richthofen, A., Herthogs, P., . . . Kraft, M. (2023). The conundrum in smart city governance: Interoperability and compatibility in an ever-growing ecosystem of digital twins. Data & Policy, 5, E6. doi:10.1017/dap.2023.1
  • Eva Purkarthofer, Franziska Sielker & Dominic Stead (2022) Soft planning in macro-regions and megaregions: creating toothless spatial imaginaries or new forces for change?, International Planning Studies, 27:2, 120-138, DOI: 10.1080/13563475.2021.1972796
  • J. Crawford, C. Walsh, F. Sielker & G. Smith (2022) Planning for Sea Spaces II: Towards an Agenda for Research,Planning Practice & Research, 37:3, 269-275, DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2022.2071190
  • John. R. Moodie & Franziska Sielker (2022) Transboundary Marine Spatial Planning in European Sea Basins: Experimenting with Collaborative Planning and Governance, Planning Practice & Research, 37:3, 317-332,DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2021.2015855
  • Alexandre Dubois & Franziska Sielker (2022) Digitalization in sparsely populated areas: between place-based practices and the smart region agenda, Regional Studies, 56:10, 1771-1782, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2035707
  • Thomas Savage, Jethro Akroyd, Sebastian Mosbach, Michael Hillman, Franziska Sielker, Markus Kraft (2022): Universal Digital Twin – the impact of heat pumps on social inequality. Advances in Applied Energy, Volume 5,
  • Johan P Larsson, Özge Öner, Franziska Sielker, Regional hierarchies of discontent: an accessibility approach, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Volume 14, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 583–599,
  • Franziska Sielker & Elisabeth Kaufmann (2020) The influence of the Belt and Road Initiative in Europe,Regional Studies, Regional Science, 7:1, 288-291, DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2020.1790411


Current PhD students

Jihuan Li (University of Cambridge)

Julia Dorner (TU Wien)

Johanna Felbrich (University of Cologne /TU Wien)


Recent PhD students

Yiru Jia



Spatial Planning, housing, digitalisation, geography, border studies, European Spatial Planning, economic geography, Belt and Road Initiative, Financialisation, infrastructure, urban studies, planning theory