Academic profile

I retired in 2017 as Director of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research. My research remains primarily in environmental risk analysis, environmental policy analysis and mathematical modelling of coupled energy, environmental and social systems. 



I no longer teach modules, although I do conduct bespoke seminars on climate science, climate policy and sustainability.


Research interests

Current projects include: analysing the effectiveness and feasibility of consumer-based policies for carbon reduction; assessing the health and economic benefits of mitigation strategies to reduce Pb in drinking water supplies; performing an international comparison of safe drinking water regulatory processes; assessing the role of zero carbon homes in the UK climate policy for Homes England; and developing multi-criteria models for incorporating ESG into economic development.


More recent papers are:

Hanski, J., Rosqvist, T. and Crawford-Brown, D. “Assessing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies - the Case of Drought and Heat Wave in the French Nuclear Sector”, Regional Environmental Change, 2018.


Keyes, A. and Crawford-Brown, D., “The Changing Influences on Commuting Mode Choice in Urban England under Peak Car: A Discrete Choice Modelling Approach”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 167–176, 2018.


Crawford-Brown, D., Creating the Wrong Environment, Amazon Press, 2018.


Grubb, M., Crawford-Brown, D., Neuhoff, K., Schanes, K., Hawkins, S., & Poncia, A., “Consumption-oriented Policy Instruments for Fostering Greenhouse Gas Mitigation”, Climate Policy, 1-16, 2020.


Crawford-Brown, D., “Analysis of the Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation”, in Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Lackner M., Sajjadi B., Chen WY. (eds). Springer, New York, NY. 1-16, 2021.


Men, C., Liu, R., Wang, Q., Miao, Y., Wang, Y., Jiao, L., Li, L., Cao, L., Shen, Z., Li, Y. and Crawford-Brown, D., “Spatial-temporal Characteristics, Source-specific Variation and Uncertainty Analysis of Health Risks Associated with Heavy Metals in Road Dust in Beijing, China”, Environmental Pollution, March, 2021.


Crawford-Brown, D., Raucher, R. and Carpenter, A., “Comparing National Regulatory Processes for Safe Drinking Water”, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 113, 60-69, 2021.


Cornwell, D., Crawford-Brown, D., Wagner, J. and Brown, R., “Measurement and Modeling of Lead Reduction Strategies”, AWWA Water Science, 3, 2021.



Environment and Policy