• The housing market and the wider economy

  • Wylfa Newydd Housing Study

    The Wylfa Newydd Housing Study (Stage 1), commissioned by the Isle of Anglesey County Council and undertaken by CCHPR, reviewed Horizon Nuclear Power’s Construction Worker Accommodation Strategy. It identified the key issues and impacts of the proposed development, and outlined the measures...


  • The Edge Debate: OxMKCam growth corridor symposium

    Gemma Burgess gave a presentation at Edge Debate 87: The Oxford – Milton Keynes – Cambridge Growth Corridor. The debate looked at the potential to plan for sustainable growth, making places that work for people. As one of a number of expert speakers from academia, policy and practice who set the...


  • Purpose built student accommodation

    CCHPR have conducted research into identified demand for undergraduate and postgraduate student accommodation on behalf of Vita Group.


  • Housing policy: some alternative views

    Early in his career, Mike Oxley wrote an article on the state of the UK housing market in 1977. Reading it again, it would seem that policy makers today seem to be facing many of the same issues.


  • Housing in young adulthood

    Prof Mike Oxley's presentation at a policy workshop hosted by the University of Cambridge in London summarised the findings of ESRC-funded research into the housing issues faced by some young adults.


  • University of Cambridge Housing Needs

    CCHPR was commissioned by the University of Cambridge's Estate Management to explore the University's options for meeting staff housing needs. Estate Management are responsible for the development, management and maintenance of the University of Cambridge estate.


  • The Prevalence of Rough Sleeping and Sofa Surfing Amongst Young People in the UK

  • Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council

    Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council commissioned this study to inform planning policy with regard to the provision of student accommodation, and its impact upon housing need, within the two cities.


  • New housing, business space and infrastructure in London

    This research was conducted in partnership with University College London (UCL).


  • The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK

    The Social Mobility Commission (SMC) commissioned CCHPR to undertake research that focused on the relationship between parental background and young people’s access to homeownership. This research formed part of SMC’s role as an advocate for social mobility in the UK, and informed the 2016 State of...


  • Local public finance and housing policy conference. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess - Case Study UK: rising house prices and under supply

    Dr Gemma Burgess gave a key note speech at the local public finance and housing policy conference in Israel in December 2014, hosted by the Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute at IDC Herzliya. The presentation - Case Study UK: rising house prices and under supply – focuses on housing supply...


  • Using household income data at micro-level to aid social housing providers’ decisions on affordable rents levels, ‘pay-to-stay’ and other market-based policies

    This project aimed to increase the usage of our recent research to develop an optimal method to estimate household income distributions at the very local level.


  • Review of “Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories and generational fractures”

    Mike Oxley provided a review of “Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories and generational fractures”, edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai ming Yip, for the International Journal of Housing Policy.


  • Downsizing and moving in later life - new build housing or existing stock?

    This research explored why older households move in later life, the size of property they moved to and why they choose either new build housing or existing stock. It considered what the house building sector can learn from their experience and what opportunities that this presents to the house...


  • Multi generational living: potential opportunities for the house building sector?

    This research for the NHBC Foundation analysed the scale and nature of multi generational living in England and explored the opportunities that this presents to the house building sector.


  • Estimated net income distribution of working households by household type and locality

    This project estimated working households’ net income distributions at local authority level. 'Net income' was defined as income excluding income-related benefits – most notably, Housing Benefit.


  • Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry

    In order to inform its investment plans and future housing strategy Racing Homes wanted to ascertain the level of housing need currently experienced within the horse racing industry and, in particular, where they have existing housing stock. The aim of this research was to establish the degree and...


  • Validation of an objectively assessed housing need for West Oxfordshire Council

    West Oxfordshire Council commissioned CCHPR to validate projections of housing need in the selected local authority areas up to 2031, which was set out the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).


  • Baseline Study for Intermediate Housing Market in and around Cambridge City

    This was a short term research project into the size of the intermediate housing market in the City of Cambridge and its immediate surroundings, and the likely demand for intermediate forms of tenure, both for rent and for partial ownership.


  • Housing Supply– challenges for policy makers. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, 21 October 2014, House of Commons

    Dr Gemma Burgess gave a presentation to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, 21 October 2014, at the House of Commons as part of the session on Housing Supply– challenges for policy makers. The presentation focuses on the constraints on new housing supply.


  • Increasing housing supply: Research to support Lloyds Banking Group’s Housing Commission

    This project provided evidence to support the Housing Commission in exploring what works to increase housing supply. It looked at a range of policy measures such as New Towns, bringing empty homes back into use, self build and custom build, the role of taxation in promoting housing supply and...


  • Estimated net income distribution for eight household types in the London Borough of Bromley at mid-Super Output Area (SOA) level

    Information about household incomes at a local level is difficult to obtain yet social landlords may need such data in order to set rents. To address this issue, CCHPR has developed a model to estimate household income distribution by percentile for eight household types at local market level.


  • Housing need and demand in Wales

    The objective of this project was to use new data to revise and update the modelling of need and demand undertaken by CCHPR for the Welsh Government in 2010. The key research question was 'What is the housing ‘need’ in Wales and how is it expected to evolve in the coming years?'


  • Housing need and effective demand in England

    The purpose of this note was to review current concepts and measures of housing need in use in England, and how they relate to effective demand. It looks at what is likely to be the new supply of housing that would be required to meet the need generated by population and household growth and change...


  • Household Projections in England: their history and uses

    Alan Holmans has produced a new report on the Household Projections in England: Their History and Uses. Household projections are an important tool for estimating future housing demand and need and the land supply required if all households are to be adequately housed.


  • The implications of the 2008-based household projections for estimates of housing need

    Alan Holmans’ new article was published in the September 2012 issue of the TCPA journal.


  • Looking into the future: How many homes do we need and what happens if we do not build them?

    How many homes we need over the next 20 years is a highly contentious political issue and a major headache for local authorities who are required by the new planning system to decide their area’s “objectively assessed needs”. Presented by CCHPR Visiting Fellow Neil McDonald.


  • Memorandum submitted to the House of Commons Communities & Local Government Select Committee inquiry into the financing of new housing supply

    A memorandum was submitted to the House of Commons Communities & Local Government Select Committee inquiry into the financing of new housing supply from the University of Sheffield, University of Cambridge and the LSE.


  • 2001 Census briefing paper series

    Three reports published during 2003 and 2004 using data from the 2001 Census and Regulatory Statistical Returns.


  • Regional and sub-regional analyses: Residential mobility of social tenants and those entering Low Cost Home Ownershipin the north of England

    This study concentrates on four aspects of household mobility in the northern regions:The results reflect a generally immobile sector across all regions in the north with very little systematic pattern in terms of the mobility that does occur.


  • Residential mobility of social tenants and households entering Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO): A comparison of London and the Northern Regions

    This report compares the residential mobility of social tenants and households entering LCHO in London with mobility in the northern regions of England.


  • Secondary Analysis of Housing Market Data

    This short project using secondary data to analyse the role of the social sector in different kinds of housing market was part of a suite of secondary projects commissioned by JRF to inform their thinking about housing markets. The results were presented to the JRF at a special event in York.


  • Input into Strategic Housing Needs Assessments Draft Guidance

    CCHPR carried out research for DCLG (then ODPM) to produce guidance to local authorities and sub-regions on understanding their local housing market. It updates previous guidance on housing needs assessments and builds on a manual for undertaking housing market assessments.


  • West Midlands rural housing

    As part of a suite of research to understand regional housing markets, this study was commissioned with the intention of demonstrating the importance of social rented housing to help to sustain services and community in rural villages.


  • Planning and market signals

    This small project was commissioned by DCLG (then ODPM) to assist their thinking in terms of responses to the recommendations of the Barker Review of Housing Supply (2004) which suggested that planners take more notice of market signals when developing their housing policies. It took the form of...


  • Housing Need in the South East

    This is a follow on to a previous study which outlined a methodology for assessing housing need in the South East region. There are two small projects: one producing an estimate of newly arising demand and need and one an estimate of unmet current housing need. It covers sub-regions as well as the...


  • Provision for key workers and unmet housing need

    This is a follow up to a previous study which produced an estimate of newly arising demand and need for housing in the East of England. The current study produces an estimate of unmet need and of key worker housing requirements in the region. Part B of the project provides a template for districts...


  • Update to inform Shelter's input into the 2005 Spending Review

    This is the 2005 update to the previous Shelter project to enable them to contribute to the latest Spending Review.


  • The extent and impact of rural housing need

    Defra commissioned CCHPR and Land Use Consultants to carry out research to understand the nature of 'housing need' in rural areas and the implications of an under-supply of affordable housing for individuals, communities and economies.


  • Social Housing Now and in the Future

    This work uses secondary data sources to understand who is currently living in social rented housing, their characteristics including their former tenure, entrants and leavers, and who is likely to be living in the social rented sector in the future. It was carried out by Alan Holmans, Sarah Monk...


  • Understanding demographic, spatial and economic impacts on future affordable housing demand

    The research will use both primary and secondary data to understand how demographic, spatial and economic changes will impact on affordable housing demand now and in the future (over the next 5 / 10 / 20 years). It will then use this understanding to inform key business and policy decisions and...


  • An approach to affordable housing to inform the East Midlands Regional Plan

    This project reviewed alternative methodologies for determining the proportion of new dwellings that should be affordable in order to select a preferred approach for the East Midlands. Once this was agreed, the project produced affordable housing targets for the region and for the sub-regional...


  • More households to be housed – where is the increase in households coming from?

    This project updated analysis of the Government's 2006 household projections; examining the elements making up the growth; the robustness of the projections; and their implications for housing requirements.


  • The use of the existing housing stock in the South East

    This report was commissioned by the South East England Regional Assembly. It analyses the ways in which the existing housing stock is used presently and how this might change over the next twenty years.


  • West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy revisions – Re-run of the affordable housing figures

    CCHPR carried out a series of re-runs of the affordable housing calculations for the West Midlands Regional Assembly to support its work as Regional Housing and Planning Body.


  • Official projections of future numbers of households in England and their implications for housing

    This project analysed and commented on official estimates (projections) of the number of households in future years, the types of household, and the ages of household heads.


  • Impact of worsening affordability on the demand for social housing

    This project was a literature review of the impact of worsening market housing affordability on the demand for affordable housing, private renting, new household formation, and regional variations in these impacts.


  • Future prospects for housing wealth and inheritance

    This work was carried out for the Council of Mortgage Lenders to study who owes owner-occupied housing wealth, and the implications for bequest and inheritance of housing wealth.


  • Housing need in England: A new analysis

    This estimates current need for social rented housing in 2006, and the needs for social rented and intermediate housing in 2006-26. It is being produced for Shelter as part of the Shelter Housing Investment Project series. It makes extensive use of official household projections, at regional as...


  • Assessment of future Regional requirements for affordable housing in the East of England

    The aim of this project was to contribute to the evidence base to inform a review of the Regional Spatial Strategy (the East of England Plan 2008) and the second round of Regional Funding Advice.


  • Economic and housing market downturn and potential impact on renters and rented sectors

    This is an ‘expert panel’ study for CLG looking at the impact of the economic and housing market downturn on the rented sector of the housing market.


  • The operation and dynamics of the housing market and the form and nature of regulation of the surveying profession

    The RICS commissioned CCHPR to conduct a detailed investigation and make recommendations for action on some of the issues involved in the recent global financial turmoil and the linkages with the real estate profession.


  • An assessment of current and future housing needs and demands in Wales

    The Welsh Assembly Government commissioned this ‘top down’ assessment of the future demand and need for additional housing together with current unmet need for affordable housing.


  • Housing transformation in Jersey

    This consultancy project was carried out for the States of Jersey to provide support for the proposed Housing Transformation Programme.


  • Developing a local development framework affordable housing evidence base

    The purpose of the project was to produce a short, usable guide for local authority officers in the South East to help them develop a robust affordable housing evidence base to inform their Local Development Frameworks. The affordable housing guide would sit within the South East England...


  • Analysis of available data on affordable housing investment

    Using existing data sources, the purpose of this project was to provide a strong evidence base to show what the current provision of affordable housing built over the preceding 20 years looked like in terms of location, type of housing and size, and whether it is significantly different compared...


  • Under-occupation in North Hertfordshire

    CCHPR were commissioned to carry out a study of under-occupation amongst social housing tenants in North Herts. The study included a survey of tenants as well as analysis of other data sources.


  • Under-utilisation of the housing stock: Eight local case studies

    Shelter commissioned CCHPR to undertake eight local authority case studies into under-utilisation of the existing housing stock. The research looked at empty properties, second homes and under-occupation.


  • Providing the evidence base for housing needs assessments

    This short project for Shelter sought to explore the appetite of both representatives from the housing supply sector and local planning authorities for additional guidance in the current policy context. In particular, PPS3 required an evidence base for affordable housing targets yet overall housing...


  • Affordable Rents assessment for Cambridge City

    This research was undertaken in order to provide an assessment of affordability of housing association and local authority rents when pegged at given ratios of prevailing market rents within Cambridge City and the housing sub-market.


  • Market Intelligence toolkit for Orbit Housing Group

    This project involved tightly focused research to critically assess the market intelligence that Orbit needed to develop in support of effective decision making over future decades in terms of asset management, investment and potential expansion.


  • The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners

    This project looked into the housing needs of older people in London for the Greater London Authority. It was commissioned as a ‘think piece’, looking specifically at the role of the planning system in helping to ensure that older Londoners have a genuine choice of homes that they can afford and...


  • Housing in transition: Understanding the dynamics of tenure change

    This short project explored patterns of tenure by household type, income group and region in England using data from the Survey of English Housing and English Housing Survey; it developed a forecast of how tenure trends might develop over the period to 2025. It built on existing work undertaken by...


  • Mapping the number of extra housing units needed for young people

    Centrepoint, the youth homeless charity, commissioned CCHPR to carry out some work looking at the requirement for emergency homeless accommodation, supporting housing units, social housing and private rented housing with the use of Housing Benefit across England with a specific focus on the...


  • Rural housing at a time of economic change

    The Commission for Rural Communities funded CCHPR to carry out research into rural housing. The project looked specifically at the issues of changing rent levels and housing quality, the impact of policy change on rural areas, and whether some people are unable to remain in rural areas.


  • Housing markets in the Channel Islands

    This overview of housing markets and their economic context in the Channel Islands, based upon secondary data, was commissioned by One Savings Bank.


  • An economic and spatial analysis of the future development of Wisbech in Cambridgeshire

    This work aimed to assess: (1) The current economic profile of Wisbech; (2) The likely future economic role of Wisbech under different scenarios; (3) The sectors most likely to have potential for future employment growth; and to make (4) Make broad recommendations for future economic and spatial...


  • Mechanisms to increase housing supply in England

    The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research recently completed an international review of land supply and planning systems, published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation March 2013. The review identified measures taken successfully in other countries to bring land forward for housing...


  • Understanding recent changes in household formation rates and their implications for planning for housing

    This project will assist those producing local plans to understand what has happened recently and, in the light of that, make an informed judgement about the assumptions they should make for their plan period.