• Valuing Planning Obligations 2018-19

    CCHPR researchers are participating in a collaborative project looking at developer contributions


  • Planning for Affordable Housing (PLANAFFHO)

    Dr Sónia Alves's project PLANAFFHO, funded by a two year Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship, examined how land use planning contributes to the provision of affordable housing for people on low incomes, and how it has promoted a mix of housing tenures within new developments in three European capital...


  • Valuing Planning Obligations

    CCHPR participated in a collaborative project entitled Research into the Incidence and Value of S106 and CIL. Led by the University of Liverpool, the project was funded by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.


  • Performance bonds for highways and water supplies for new housing developments

    The NHBC, together with the NHBC Foundation, commissioned this research project to investigate the circumstances and consequences of performance bonds required by highways authorities and water supply companies for housing developments. The NHBC estimates that it is the provider of 80% of the...


  • Research on the nature of planning constraints

    The aim of this research was to analyse the nature of planning constraints on the provision of housing. The research was commissioned by the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee.


  • Land Use Planning and the Production of Affordable Housing

    This project, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, TSA (then Housing Corporation), Countryside Agency, RICS and RTPI, explored the operation of s106 in producing additional affordable housing.


  • Value for Money of s106 in Providing Additional Affordable Housing

    This study was commissioned by DCLG (then ODPM) as a parallel to the work on s106 and SHG funded by JRF and TSA (then the Housing Corporation). The work involved analysis of TSA and DCLG data, case studies, interviews with developers and housing associations and analysis of site specific financial...


  • S106 Affordable Housing Provision: What is Going On?

    This project aimed to find out what was happening on the ground to S106 negotiations and affordable housing delivery in a context of considerable uncertainty in the national and regional regulatory framework.


  • Forecasting and Managing Planning Obligations for Developer Contributions to Affordable Housing: A Feasibility Study

    This feasibility study into how to improve the performance of S106 in delivering additional affordable housing comprised a policy and data review of the South West region, stakeholder interviews at national, regional and local levels, and four case studies from within the South West’s housing...


  • Planning and affordable housing Member Training and Development Programme

    This project delivered a training programme in negotiating affordable housing through S106 to elected members, particularly those with housing and planning portfolios. The work involved three seminars in North, Central and South Wales.


  • Promoting mixed communities through balanced lettings and asset management

    The aims of the project, carried out for the Tenant Services Authority and Communities and Local Government, were to understand how to achieve a better balance between allocating social homes to the most needy, and preserving or improving the mix of the housing stock, in particular through balanced...


  • Good practice guide to delivering new affordable housing on S106 sites

    The project aimed to explore current local planning authority practice, in order to identify which aspects contributed to the successful delivery of affordable housing on S106 sites.


  • Practice guidance on affordable housing clauses in Section 106 agreements for local planning authorities in Wales

    Through this project the Welsh Assembly Government aimed to provide practice guidance for local authorities in Wales on the drafting and application of affordable housing clauses in Section 106 (S106) agreements.


  • Improving the capacity of the planning system

    This project comprised a series of regional round table discussions in the North, Midlands, East, South, London and Wales to assess the capacity of the planning system to deliver the government’s housing targets in sustainable communities and to make practical recommendations for improvement.


  • Further practice guidance on using Section 106 agreements to secure affordable housing during the economic downturn

    The economic downturn has raised serious questions about the delivery of housing targets and the capacity of the planning system to deliver affordable housing. The Welsh Assembly Government wished to provide further guidance on the use of S106 agreements to secure affordable housing during the...


  • Input into the consultation on the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategies

    CCHPR were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to assist in submitting their consultation response for the inquiry into the abolition of regional spatial strategies. The consultation focussing particularly on the implications for house building.


  • The future of inclusive design: the success of initiatives aiming to reduce inequality in spatial planning and the built environment

    The aim of the research was to explore the success of equality-related initiatives in the field of spatial planning and the built environment. CCHPR worked with Women’s Design Groups, Disability Access Groups and Inclusive Design Groups.


  • The impact of the recent financial crisis on planning for affordable housing in England

    This research aimed to identify: (1) how S106 was being used in very different market conditions and whether it could still work to deliver sufficient affordable housing; (2) how preparations for new policies that wpuld affect affordable housing delivery, such as the Community Infrastructure Levy (...


  • Estimating the impacts of the changes in S106 with the introduction of CIL on the quantity of affordable housing delivered

    This project, conducted jointly with the University of Sheffield, estimated the impacts of the changes in Section 106 (S106), with the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL, on the quantity of affordable housing delivered for the National Housing Federation.


  • Supporting assumptions used in planning for housing

    This project aimed to produce five short notes on the main drivers of demographic change that would support a basic excel ‘tool’. Local authorities would be able to freely access the tool in order to help understand the impacts on future housing requirements in their area.


  • Maximising the performance of the new Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy Planning Framework with Local Authorities: Developing a planning gain model