The original reason for this research was to assess the extent to which it would be appropriate to use lower quartile house prices as a surrogate for private rents in regional and local analysis in the light of the difficulties in obtaining Rent Officer Service data on the rents they determine for Housing Benefit purposes.
Since the work was commissioned it has proved possible to obtain these data directly so the need for a surrogate is obviated. However the more fundamental issues of tenure choice among lower income households and the extent to which the two sectors act as substitutes in different markets remain as do the questions of whether the processes of rent determination for tenants on Housing Benefit distorts outcomes in different markets.
Private sector rents and rates of return, 1996/97 to 2000/01
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how private rents relate to house prices and to examine the relationship between private sector rents and house prices, and by implication the gross rates of return achievable, over the period 19996/97 to 2000/01.