CCHPR were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to assist in submitting their consultation response for the inquiry into the abolition of regional spatial strategies. The consultation focussing particularly on the implications for house building.
Project Publications:
Response to the CLG Select Committee Inquiry on the abolition of regional spatial strategies for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) submitted a response to the CLG Committee’s Inquiry into the abolition of regional spatial strategies. This response was drafted on behalf of JRF by Gemma Burgess, Sarah Monk and Christine Whitehead, CCHPR, University of Cambridge, and Alison Bailey, Consultant Planner.
This consultation input draws on insights from recent Joseph Rowntree Foundation work on locally incentivised planning, from the body of research conducted by the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research over many years and on the expertise of a former senior planner with the South East regional planning body.
The context to this issue is one of continued housing supply shortages and a top down approach to setting targets for new housebuilding. Difficult decisions have to be made about where new housing should be located in order to meet housing need; decisions which were mediated by regional bodies and set out in the Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS). The RSS abolition does not remove these problems and new ways are required to address them.