This research, funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), examined the issues of the levels of leasehold and freehold charges being charged, and the variation within these, in order to inform the development of the Ministry's leasehold reform policy and future programme. The final report and its appendices, along with supporting data provided by MHCLG, have also been published by MHCLG on the website.


Leasehold and freehold charges: final report.pdf


Leasehold and freehold charges Appendix A.pdf


Leasehold and freehold charges: Appendix B.pdf


Leasehold and freehold charges: Appendix C survey of leaseholder results.pdf


Leasehold and freehold charges: Appendix D.pdf

Research Themes
Housing Policy, Regulation & Evaluation
Research Start Date
Gemma Burgess
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government