PhD Candidate Emily Tianyuan Wang has recently won this year's Cambridge-McKinsey Risk Prize for her essay 'What makes a city to fail?'. As the winner, Emily has been awarded a prize of £3,000 at the 15th Risk Summit on 26th June 2024, attended by finance, industry, and academic delegates.

Emily would like to extend her sincere thanks to Danny Ralph (Academic Director, Cambridge Center for Risk Studies), Fransje van der Marel (Senior Parter, McKinsey & Company), Andrew Freeman (Risk Fellow, Cambridge Center for Risk Studies). 


"It was truly an insightful experience to meet and hear thoughts from all the leading experts during the Summit" said Emily.

She would also like to say many thanks to Danny Ralph, Michelle Tuveson, and Jayne Tooke for organizing the 15th Risk Summit and Risk Symposium. More information about the 15th Cambridge Risk Summit is here:


As a 3rd-year PhD Candidate in the Department, Emily's PhD research particularly examines whether planning strategy truly matters for city growth, under the supervision of Dr Li Wan. She looks forward to presenting additional empirical findings in her upcoming research papers.