Our Approach

  • Scientific Rigor: We aim to infuse "sustainability" and "sustainable development" with robust systemic analysis, bridging the gap between dissected and holistic perspectives of global challenges.
  • Action-Research: Embracing a systematic, collective, and self-reflective approach, our action research involves both researchers and participants collaboratively to solve practical problems. Unlike traditional research paradigms, participants are active collaborators, contributing to data collection and solution generation, with research findings directly channelled back to improve the situation under scrutiny.
  • Transformative Actions: Rooted in scientific evidence, we advocate for urgent actions to balance global production and consumption, ensuring equity, sustainability, and well-being. Yet, altering policies and practices remains a slow venture.
  • Global Inspiration: We draw inspiration from worldwide solution proposals, grassroots changes, and collaborative efforts among civil society, researchers, and private sectors, especially noting the progressive strides of SMEs and Startups towards a resilient economy.

Compounding Challenges

Traditional policy-making processes often fall short of addressing grave societal threats like inequity and climate change. The journey from ideation to policy enactment is long, hindered by various roadblocks, from political stalemates to a lack of public engagement.

Our Framework

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Uniting expertise from natural and social sciences to engineering, we strive to generate intelligent, actionable solutions for decision-makers, enhancing equitable resilience globally.
  • Equitable Resilience Research: We value inclusivity, representation, and transformative change, operating across different scales to foster equitable resilience.

Core Research Themes

  • Sustainable Investment: Exploring 'Sustainable Finance', we delve into creating public policy innovations to bolster long-term private sector investments, assessing the real impact on investors and societies.
  • Good Governance: We study resilient governance in fast-paced, complex local scenarios to ensure effective public goods and service delivery, aiding both the public and private sectors in navigating challenges.
  • Responsible Innovation: Harnessing technology for sustainable wealth creation and public welfare, we're at the forefront of maximising the positive potential of technological advancements in both developed and emerging economies.