Academic profile


Renatus Otto Franz Derler, LLB (Buckingham), LLM in International Law, MPhil in Environmental Policy (Cantab), and PhD Candidate in Public International Law. He has pursued his academic journey at the University of Oxford, the University of Buckingham, and the University of Cambridge, specialising in diplomacy, public international law, and international environmental law.


He currently serves as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Cambridge International Law Journal (CILJ) (Volume 14) and as the Managing Editor of the Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL). Previously, he held the roles of Managing Editor of the CILJ and Blog Manager for the CILJ Blog. In 2024, he successfully convened the 13th Annual CILJ Conference on The Intersection of Peace and Sustainability in International Law.


In addition to his editorial responsibilities, Renatus works as a research assistant and consultant for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative, collaborating with Professor Harro van Asselt (University of Cambridge), Professor Peter Newell, and Frederick Daley (both from the University of Sussex).

His research interests encompass a wide range of topics in public international law, including the sources of international law, with a focus on the formation of general principles of law, international investment law, dispute settlement mechanisms, WTO law, deep seabed mining, and international environmental and climate change law.


Renatus’s PhD research investigates the creation of general principles of law formed internationally. He is supervised by Professor Jorge E. Viñuales and advised by Professor Campbell A. McLachlan KC.






  • Endorsements: Emily Finch and Stefan Fafinski, Legal Skills (9th edn, OUP 2023)
  • Contributions: Imogen Moore and Craig Newbery-Jones, The Successful Law Student: An Insider's Guide to Studying Law (2nd edn, OUP 2022)


Journal Articles

  • Renatus OF Derler, Marno Swart, Helin Laufer and Liyu Feng, 'Editorial' [2024] Cambridge International Law Journal 1 (forthcoming)
  • Renatus OF Derler, 'The Psychology of States: An Analysis of Forms of Government and their Compliance Behaviour with the 1984 Convention Against Torture' [2022] Pembroke Law Journal 27
  • Renatus OF Derler, 'Property Law Lecture by HHJ Hazel Marshall QC' [2021] Clinical Legal Education Newsletter 1


Blog Posts

  • Renatus OF Derler, 'Experts Fantômes at the ICJ' (EJIL:Talk! 2 December 2024) <> 
  • Renatus OF Derler and Tejas Rao, 'Remaining Tensions Between the “Global Souths” and the “Global Norths”' (Völkerrechtsblog 26 November 2024) <>
  • Renatus OF Derler and Abhijeet Shrivastava, 'A Global South Perspective on Loss and Damage Litigation' (Verfassungsblog 27 June 2024) <>
  • Renatus OF Derler, 'Forging a Synergistic Path: Tackling Climate Change Through UNCLOS and Beyond' (CILJ 22 May 2024) <>  
  • Renatus OF Derler, 'Grain Battles Before the WTO' (CILJ 15 December 2023) <>


Conferences and Research Work 

  • Renatus OF Derler and others, 'Making Sanctions Work: Considerations for Victim-Centred Outcomes From a Regularly-Used Tool' (Asia Justice Coalition 2024) <>






General Public International Law, International General Principles, Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, WTO Law, International Investment Law, International Environmental and Climate Change Law



Research Centres


Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, C-EENRG