About C-EENRG Research Series

The purpose of the C-EENRG Research Series is to provide a platform to advance C-EENRG’s mission by publishing interdisciplinary and disciplinary work at the intersection of environment, energy and natural resource governance. C-EENRG is an action-oriented research group and its work is aimed at influencing policy and markets. The Series support this strategic orientation by relaying research outputs in a range of formats to different audiences from the public, private and third sectors. Through the publication of exploratory work, cutting-edge analysis, authoritative reports or foundational pieces, the Series is an instrument aimed at both sharing insights and galvanising research on cross-cutting themes falling under C-EENRG’s broad focus.

The Editorial Board

Managing Editor: Dr Ginevra Le Moli
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor of Public International Law, Leiden University

Email: gl454@cam.ac.uk

Associate Editor: Dr Christopher Campbell-Duruflé
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor, Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University

Email: ccampbelldurufle@torontomu.ca

Associate Editor: Dr Malavika Rao
Postdoctoral Researcher
Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance, Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge

Email: mr2037@cam.ac.uk

Categories of Publications

The C-EENRG Research Series is committed to publishing pieces of the highest academic quality. The Series has four main categories of publications: C-EENRG Briefs, C-EENRG Proceedings, C-EENRG Working Papers, C-EENRG Reports.

1. C-EENRG Briefs
C-EENRG Briefs provide concise analyses of particular issues, policy options, and recommendations. They are aimed at informing policymakers and other stakeholders involved in formulating or influencing policy. Briefs can take different formats. Typically, they will be a short piece of 700 words and include a limited number of figures or images. Longer briefs (maximum 3,000 words, including footnotes) and may also be proposed to the Editorial Board.

2. C-EENRG Proceedings
C-EENRG Proceedings host the record of conferences, congresses, symposiums, or other meetings organized and/or sponsored C-EENRG. These usually include abstracts or reports of papers presented by the participants. They are aimed at distilling the key insights generated through these events and providing a readily accessible archive.

3. C-EENRG Working Papers
C-EENRG Working Papers host pre-publication versions of academic articles, book chapters, theses or reviews. Papers may be in progress, under submission, or in press. They are aimed at accelerating the diffusion of new ideas emerging from scholarly research, generating new discussions between disciplines, and impacting stakeholders within and beyond the academic world (government, private sector, news media, etc.)

Working Papers can have different formats. They can be short pieces of 3,000-5,000 words but also longer papers, ranging between 6,000 and 15,000 words (including footnotes). The Editorial Board is flexible and will consider proposals for longer studies.

C-EENRG Working Papers are subject to double-blind peer-review. However, papers that have already been accepted for publication elsewhere will normally be exempted from further peer-review.

In the interest of encouraging scholarship, publishing a paper as a C-EENRG Working Paper does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent publication elsewhere.

4. C-EENRG Reports
C-EENRG Reports host long research studies and/or the result of research investigations arising from C-EENRG activities and/or commissioned by other institutions. They typically include research-project or consulting deliverables, non-papers and white papers, and other framing or foundational work.

Instructions for Authors

To submit a paper for the C-EENRG Research Series, please send an email to the Managing Editor, Dr. Ginevra Le Moli (gl454@cam.ac.uk), or Dr. Christopher Campbell-Duruflé, ccampbelldurufle@ryerson.ca.

Manuscripts should be sent in the form of Microsoft Word (.docx) or Open Office (.odt) files. Please ensure that the paper includes the following information:
•    On a page that is separate from the rest of the document:
-    Identification: author name, affiliation and e-mail address.
-    Acknowledgements and disclaimers (if any).
•    Abstract (150 words).
•    Key Words: List up to five key words associated with the research material.
•    Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively.
•    Languages: Isolated words and phrases in a language other than English may be set in italics if they are likely to be unfamiliar to readers. If a definition follows a word or phrase, the definition is enclosed in parentheses or quotation marks.
•    References: Authors may use the reference style of their choice. References must be consistent and complete. They can appear as footnotes as well as endnotes.
•    Disclaimer: please include any disclaimer or disclosure of conflict of interest in the final version of the publication.
Work submitted for publication to the C-EENRG Research Series can be a) unpublished; b) unpublished and submitted for publication elsewhere; c) accepted for publication elsewhere and forthcoming. The status of the piece should be clarified at the submission stage and any change of status before publication on the C-EENRG Research Series website should be communicated to the Editorial Board.

All submissions share the same policies in relation to preparation process, formatting (style) and production.

Acceptance and Publication
If accepted for publication, each piece will be adapted to the C-EENRG template and uploaded on the C-EENRG Research Series website.

Papers published in the C-EENRG Research Series may be cited following the citation suggestion included in the C-EENRG publication.

Comments on the publications and/or questions about their content should be sent directly to the author by email.


The guidelines presented on this page are regularly updated. The current version is from August 2022. You can also download Spring 2022 version of the full author guidelines in a PDF format, with the only changes made in it since then related to the Editorial Board contacts and responsibilities.

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