Several members of C-EENRG have research agendas focusing on different aspects of climate change policy and governance, whether in connection with international climate negotiations, energy systems, land use or regulatory transitions. In addition to our close collaboration with the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research, other significant components of the climate change research cluster include members involvement with the journal Climate Policy, the field research conducted in the area of land use and, specifically, the implementation of REDD mechanisms, the analysis of the interconnection between climate change and foreign investment regulation, among many others. Climate change governance is thus one of the major areas of research of C-EENRG.
Members active in this cluster:
Lorand Bartels
Marie-Claire Cordonnier Segger
Joanna Depledge
Markus Gehring
Andreas Kontoleon
Jean-Francois Mercure
Kate Miles
Pablo Salas
Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli
Pierre Bocquillon
Victoria Plutshack
Jorge E. Viñuales
Representative research outputs:
Mercure, J.-F., H. Pollitt, U. Chewpreecha, P. Salas, A. Foley, P. B. Holden and N. R. Edwards, ‘The dynamics of technology diffusion and the impacts of climate policy instruments in the decarbonisation of the global electricity sector’ (2014) 73 Energy Policy 686–700 :
Terhalle, M. and J. Depledge, ‘Great-power politics, order transition, and climate governance: insights from international relations theory’ (2013) 13(5) Climate Policy 572-588:
Bartels, L., ‘The WTO Legality of the Application of the EU’s Emissions Trading System to Aviation’ (2012) 23 European Journal of International Law 429-467:
Munroe, R., D. Roe, N. Doswald, T. Spencer, I. Moller, B. Vira, H. Reid, A. Kontoleon, A. Giuliani, I. Castelli and J. Stephens, ‘Review of the evidence base for ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change’ (2012) 1(13) Environmental Evidence 1-13:
Viñuales, J. E., ‘Balancing Effectiveness and Fairness in the Redesign of the Climate Change Regime’ (2011) 24(1) Leiden Journal of International Law 223-252:
Miles, K., ‘Investing in Adaptation: Mobilising Private Finance for Adaptation in Developing States’ (2011) 2 Carbon and Climate Law Review 190:
Miles, K., ‘Arbitrating Climate Change: Regulatory Regimes and Investor-State Disputes’ (2010) 1 Climate Change Law 63:
Yamin, F. and J. Depledge, The International Climate Change Regime. A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures (Cambridge University Press, 2005):
Depledge, J., The Organization of Global Negotiations: Constructing the Climate Change Regime (London: Earthscan, 2005):