Although planning is not an EU competence, EU legislation and case law impacts upon the planning law of member states. Existing failure to understand this influence has produced complexity, confusion, and deliberate manipulation of the applicable rules. This project aims to analyse the EU legislative provisions and jurisprudence of the European Courts that impacts upon planning in the Member States, and to map such rules. This will facilitate planning control in the Union context, and will reduce barriers to development and market-expansion, helping to further Union goals of sustainable development and environmental protection. In so-doing, the project will explore the governance issues arising from such legal norms. This will involve examination of EU territorial competence, as well as of specific regulations, including environmental impact assessment, habitats’ conservation, and pollution control. It will also involve exploration of the relationship between the founding principles of the Union and planning rules established at Union level, as well as the impact of human rights protection. The outcome will be an understanding of: (a) the impact of Union law on national planning systems; and (b) the law governing cross-border planning co-operation.
Members active in this cluster:
Emma Lees
Jorge E. Viñuales
Representative research outputs:
In progress