Conservation programmes undertaken in developing countries must be assessed not only at the level of biodiversity conservation but also as regards their impact on the livelihoods of the local population. Such evaluation requires intensive field work and data gathering, often under challenging conditions. With support from the Cambridge Conservation Initiative Collaborative Fund, Wageningen University, Gola Forest National Park, RSPB and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, C-EENRG members have conducted research across 100 villages in Sierra Leone, to assess the differential impacts of conditional and unconditional transfers on livelihoods and conservation.
Members active in this cluster:
Andreas Kontoleon
Shaun Larcom
Representative research outputs:
Voors, M., T. Turley, A. Kontoleon, E. Bulte and J. A. List, ‘Behavior in Context-Free Experiments is not Predictive of Behavior in the Field: Evidence from Public Good Experiments in Rural Sierra Leone’ (2012) 114(3) Economic Letters 308-311:
Voors, M., E. Bulte, A. Kontoleon, J. A. List, and T. Turley, ‘Using Artefactual Field Experiments to Learn about the Incentives for Sustainable Forest Use in Developing Economies’ (2011) 101(3) American Economic Review 329-33 :
Leisher, C., M. Sanjayan, J. Blockhus, N. Larsen, and A. Kontoleon, ‘Does Conserving Biodiversity Work to Reduce Poverty? A State of Knowledge Review’, in Roe, D, J. Elliott, C. Sandbrook and M. Walpole (eds), Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Exploring the Evidence for a Link (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012):
Vira, B. and A. Kontoleon, ‘Dependence of the Poor on Biodiversity: Which Poor, What Biodiversity?’, in Roe, D, J. Elliott, C. Sandbrook and M. Walpole (eds), Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Exploring the Evidence for a Link (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012):