The Conference runs from Tuesday 26th until lunchtime on Thursday 28th. There will be a Conference Dinner on Wednesday 27th.
This year’s organisers, Professor Martin Dixon ( and Professor Emma Lees ( have invited submissions for conference papers from across the broad range of property law scholarship, including equity and the law of trusts. The expectation is that the papers accepted for presentation will be offered by the authors for inclusion in the next edition of the Modern Studies in Property Law series (
For those wishing to make a longer stay in Cambridge, there will be a symposium on 100 Years of the 1925 Property Legislation, on either the previous Thursday or Friday, featuring papers on the law of real property and the law of trusts, to mark anniversary of the six major pieces of legislation that entered into force in 1926. It is anticipated that these also will be published in a collected volume. Please contact Professor Dixon or Dr Julius Grower ( for further details.
Unfortunately accommodation is unavailable at Queens' College, however there are several nearby hotels, and it may be possible to book accommodation at other Colleges nearby. More information on this can be found at the link below.
There is a modest Conference fee, but there are a number of grants available. Please contact Martin, Emma, or Andrea Newman to check whether you qualify.
Full details can be found via the link below, but please do not hesitate to contact Martin or Emma for further information.
We expect drafts for presentation at the Conference to be submitted by 15 March 2024. Revised drafts for publication are likely to be due by 1 September 2024.
Please do get in touch if you need further information. Booking information is available via the link below.
Martin Dixon
Emma Lees