Publications by LISA Members in 2023


  1. Bao, H.X.H., 2023. Between carrots and sticks, from intentions to actions: behavioural interventions for housing decisions. Housing, Theory and Society 23, 777–793.
  2. Bao, H.X.H., Cardoza, R., 2023. Political institutions and corporate risk-taking: International evidence. International Review of Finance. Online first.
  3. Bao, H.X.H., Meng, C.C., 2023. Housing wealth distribution, inequality and residential satisfaction. Regional Studies 57, 2238–2251.
  4. Bao, H.X.H., Saunders, R., 2023. Reference dependence in the UK housing market. Housing Studies 38, 1191-1219.
  5. Chen, Y.Q., Niu, H., Silva, E.A., 2023. The road to recovery: Sensing public opinion towards reopening measures with social media data in post-lockdown cities. Cities 132. 104054.
  6. Hahn, A.M., Kholodilin, K.A., Waltl, S.R., Fongoni, M., 2023. Forward to the Past: Short-Term Effects of the Rent Freeze in Berlin. Management Science, .
  7. Hill, R., J. Steurer, M., Waltl, S. R., 2023. Owner-Occupied Housing, Inflation, and Monetary Policy. Journal of Money Credit and Banking.
  8. Kwon, H.R., Silva, E.A., 2023. Matching Behavioral Theories and Rules with Research Methods in Spatial Planning-Related Fields. Journal of Planning Literature 38, 245-262.
  9. Li, Q.M., Fuerst, F., Luca, D., 2023. Do shared E-bikes reduce urban carbon emissions? Journal of Transport Geography 112.
  10. Luca, D., Terrero-Davila, J., Stein, J., Lee, N.L., 2023. Progressive cities: Urban-rural polarisation of social values and economic development around the world. Urban Studies 60, 2329-2350.
  11. Marwal, A., Silva, E.A., 2023a. City affordability and residential location choice: A demonstration using agent based model. Habitat International 136.
  12. Marwal, A., Silva, E.A., 2023b. Exploring residential built-up form typologies in Delhi: a grid-based clustering approach towards sustainable urbanisation. Npj Urban Sustainability 3.
  13. McNeil, A., Luca, D., Lee, N.L., 2023. The long shadow of local decline: Birthplace economic adversity and long-term individual outcomes in the UK. Journal of Urban Economics 136.
  14. Niu, H., Tu, X., Silva, E.A., 2023. Using Decision-Tree Methodologies to Explore Determinants Of Health and Wellbeing Outcomes At The Local Authority Scale The Case Study Of London. Built Environment 49, 248-266.
  15. Niu, H., Silva, E.A., 2023. Understanding temporal and spatial patterns of urban activities across demographic groups through geotagged social media data. Computers Environment and Urban Systems 100.
  16. Qiu, L.F., Bao, H.X.H., 2023. Assessing the ecological impacts of coastal reclamation on cropland protection: An integrated index system. Land Degradation & Development.
  17. Roberts, J., Tubeuf, S., Tyler, P., 2023. Evaluating area-based policies using secondary data: the neighbourhood management pathfinders programme. Housing Studies,
  18. Waltl, S.R., Lepinteur, A., 2023. Tracking Home-Owners' Sentiments: Subjective Indices and Convergent Validity. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.