The Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development (CRSD) will be hosting an interactive workshop titled "Their Future, Our Action: Being Human Is Powerful" at this year's Being Human Festival on 18 November 2023. The workshop will take place from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. We are delighted to collaborate with The Khalili Foundation for this event.
The Being Human Festival is an annual event featuring free public engagements across the UK showcasing humanities research. This year's festival runs from 17-25 November with over 300 events taking place.
CRSD's 1-hour workshop will explore thought-provoking questions surrounding humanity, diversity, technology, and more. Attendees will discover how powerful being human can be through engaging with these important themes.
In this interactive workshop we’ll be taking a deep dive into some thought-provoking questions like: What's the role of art in expressing the human condition? Why does diversity matter in cultural expressions? Are our tech advances and AI challenging human uniqueness? And how does language shape our humanity? As we delve into these themes you'll discover just how powerful being human can be, and experience for yourself our ground-breaking action research methodologies which demonstrate our innovative systems-based tools.
CRSD is known for its groundbreaking research methodologies developed in collaboration with organizations like the United Nations and Commonwealth Secretariat. The research center aims to cultivate sustainable, equitable futures by convening diverse groups to solve global challenges.
The Being Human Festival and our workshop are free and open to the public.