Key publications:
- Law as Engineering: Thinking about what lawyers do (Elgar, 2013)
- Hepple and Matthews, Tort: Cases and Materials (Hart) 7th Edition (2016)
- Textbook on Tort (Butterworths, 1995))
Book Chapters
- ‘The British Constitution as an Improvised Order’, in Kyritsis and Lakin (eds), The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (Hart, 2022)
- ‘Westminster versus Whitehall: what the Brexit debate revealed about an unresolved conflict at the heart of the British constitution’ in Doyle, McHarg and Murkens, The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom: Constitutions Under Pressure (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
- "Environmental Law and Private Law" in E. Lees and J. Vinuales, Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Law (2019)
- "Of Power Cables and Bridges: Individual Rights and Retrospectivity in Miller and Beyond" in M. Elliott, J. Williams and A. Young, The UK Constitution After Miller (2018)
- "Lawyers and the Rule of Law" in C. May (ed.) Handbook on the Rule of Law (2018)
- "Does Law Wear Out" in E. Subrahmanian (ed.), Engineering a Better Future: Interplay between Engineering, Social Sciences and Innovation (2018)
- "Socio-economic analysis of the EU Common approach on liability rules and insurance related to connected and autonomous vehicles" (with C. Rohr and F. Dunkerley) In A Common EU Approach to Liability Rules and Insurance for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles European Added Value Assessment Accompanying the European Parliament's Legislative Own-initiative Report (rapporteur: Mady Delvaux): Study. European Parliamentary Research Service (2018)
- "Is the Lex Parliamentaria Really Law? The House of Commons as a legal system" in P. Evans (ed.) Essays on the History of Parliamentary Procedure (Hart, 2017)
- "Removing Precariousness: A conceptual note" in C. Lageot and N. Martin-Papineau (eds) Approches franco-britanniques de la précarité (2016)
- "The Politics of Public Law" in D. Feldman and M. Elliott (eds) The Cambridge Companion to Public Law (2015)
- "Lawyers in the House of Commons" in D. Feldman (ed) Law in Politics,Politics in Law (2014)
- '"The House of Lords: Central Policy Issues" in A. Fitzpatrick (ed), The End of the Peer Show? (Constitution Society, London), pp. 99-108
- "Intentional Torts" in C. Sappideen and P. Vines (Ed), Fleming's Law of Torts (Thomson-Reuters, Sydney), pp. 23-48
- "Defences to the Intentional Torts" in C. Sappideen and P. Vines (Ed), Fleming's Law of Torts (Thomson-Reuters, Sydney), pp. 87-115
- "The General Conditions of Unlawfulness" in A. Hartkamp, M. Hesselink, E. Hondius, C.Mak and C.E. du Perron (Ed), Towards a European Civil Code 4th edition (revised and expanded) (Wolters Kluwer/ Ars Aequi Libri, Alphen aan den Rijn), pp. 845-885
- "The Duty of Care" in K Oliphant et al Law of Tort (Butterworths Common Law Series) (Butterworths)
- "'Economic Concepts: Markets and Prosperity', 'Economic Concepts: Welfare State', Rationality', 'Hobhouse', 'Rawls', and 'Weber'" in D Brack and E Randall Dictionary of Liberal Thought (Politico's Publishing Ltd)
- "The General Conditions of Unlawfulness" in A Hartkamp et al Towards a European Civil Code (Kluwer, The Hague) 3rd Edition
- "Profits from Breach of Contract" in S Hedley and M Halliwell (Ed), The Law of Restitution (Butterworths Common Law Series, 2002) (Butterworths), pp. 207-230
- "Restitution for Torts and Miscellaneous Other Wrongs" in S Hedley and M Halliwell (Ed), The Law of Restitution (Butterworths Common Law Series, 2002) (Butterworths), pp. 231-272
- "General Defences" in A Grubb (Ed), The Law of Tort (Butterworths Common Law Series, 2001) (Butterworths), pp. 145-185
- "The Duty of Care" in A Grubb (Ed), The Law of Tort (Butterworths Common Law Series, 2001) (Butterworths), pp. 503-587
- "The General Conditions of Unlawfulness" in Hartkamp, Heeselink, Hondius et al Towards a European Civil Code II (Kluwer Law International), pp. 397-431
- "Is there a future for the intentional torts?" in P Birks (Ed), The Classification of Obligations (OUP), pp. 233-282
- "Economic Loss in England: The search for coherence" in E Banakas (Ed), Civil Liability for Pure Economic Loss (Kluwer), pp. 27-54
- "Making Sense Out of Nonsense" in Gross and Harrison (Ed), Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays (OUP)
- 'English tort law and the pandemic: the dog that has not barked'. Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance - Issues & Practice (2023).
- ‘Six Questions In Search of a Tort: Has the Supreme Court Transformed Negligence?’ Cambridge Law Journal, 81(1), 20-24.
- ‘Nuisance, Planning and Human Rights: Throwing Away the Emergency Parachute’ Cambridge Law Journal 79(3) 394-397 (November 2020)
- ‘What sort of Brexit do the British people want? A longitudinal study examining the trade-offs people would be willing to make in reaching a Brexit deal’ (with Lu H, Rohr C, Pollitt A and Grant J., Journal of Choice Modelling 37:01 Dec 2020
- ‘Nuisance, Planning and Human Rights: Throwing Away the Emergency Parachute’ Cambridge Law Journal 79(3) 394-397 (November 2020)
- ‘What do the British public think of inequality in health, wealth, and power?’ (with Marteau TM, Coutts AP, Huppert JL, Pinto PR) Soc Sci Med 222:198-206 Feb 2019
- "The Place of Tort in the UK Transport System: The case of the British Railway" (2018) 9(2) Journal of European Tort Law 191-225
- "Fear and Loathing in Dorset: No public authority duty to protect?" (2018) 77(2) Cambridge Law Journal 248-251
- "HLA Hart's Secondary Rules: What do 'officials' really think? (with Shona Wilson Stark) (2017) 13 International Journal of Law in Context (Published online: 24 April 2017, pp. 1-26)
- "Noise and Nuisance" (2014) 73(2) Cambridge Law Journal 247-250
- "The Liberal Democrats and the Functions of Policy" (2014) 24 Journal of Liberal History 24-33
- '"Libel: Its Purpose and Reform" [2011] Modern Law Review 845-877
- "The Backbench Business Committee of the House of Commons" [2011] Public Law 490-9
- "Pecunia Non Olet" [2011] Cambridge Law Journal 499-501
- "The Costs of Libel Actions: A Sceptical Note" [2011] Cambridge Law Journal 397-419
- "The Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Act 2008’" (2008) 8 Archbold News 6-10
- "Many Duties of Care - Or A Duty of Care?" Notes from the Underground Oxford Journal of Legal Studies Volume 26, Number 3, 2006 , pp. 449-472
- "Against Lumley v Gye" (2005) 68(2) Modern Law Review 195-232
- "Poisoned Wells: "Proximity" and "Assumption of Responsibility" in Negligence. Sutradhar v NERC" [2005] Cambridge Law Journal 23-26
- "Civil Liability for GM Farming: GM crops and the existing law" (2004) 12(5) Environmental Liability 185
- "Public Authority Non-Liability: Spinning out of Control?" [2004] CLJ 542
- "Civil Liability for GM Farming: unanswered questions" (2004) 12(4) Environmental Liability 137
- "Nuisance and the House of Lords: Squaring the Triangle" [2004] Journal of Environmental Law 233
- "The House of Lords and the Animals Act: Closing the Stable Door" [2003] CLJ 548-551
- "Is Law A Humanity (Or is it more like Engineering?)" (2003) 3(1) Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 7-26
- "Confidence, Data Protection and the Supermodel" [2003] C.L.J. 17
- "Muddying the Waters: Tort Law and the Environment" [2002] Washburn Law Journal 469-513
- "Privacy, Confidentiality and the Cult of Celebrity" [2002] CLJ 264-268
- "Three Forms of Responsibility: On the Relationship Between Tort Law and the Welfare State" [2001] CLJ 553-580
- "On the Question 'What is Law?' (2000) 6(3) Res Publica 259" (2000) 6(3) Res Publica 259
- "Complexity Strikes Back: Valuation in the House of Lords" (2000) 8 Tort Law Rev 85
- "My Brother's Keeper: Liability for the acts of third parties" [1994] Legal Studies 88
- "Negligence after Murphy: Time to rethink" [1991] CLJ 58-99
- "The Autonomy of Labour Law: A reply to Professor Wedderburn" 17 Industrial L.J. 11 (1988)
- "O Madness of Discourse: Causation and the Law" 96 Yale L.J. 1389-1424 (1987)
- "Neutral Principles for Employers" [1987] CLJ 227
- "Frustration for Labour Lawyers" [1987] CLJ 47
- "Church and State in Employment Law" [1986] Cambridge L.J. 404
- "Bristow v. City Petroleum; Sealand v. Barratt" [1986] Industrial L.J. 190
- "The Truck Act 1896 - Last Rites" [1986] CLJ 30
- "A History of British Regional Policy in the 1970s" 2 Yale & Policy Rev. (1984) 215-255
- "More concern for cause" 4 Legal Studies 131 (1984)
Book Reviews
- Trials of the State: Law and the Decline of Politics. By Jonathan Sumption. (2020) Cambridge Law Journal, 79(1), 177-180.
- 'Bowing and Scraping: How the law favours the Royal Family' (2017) Times Literary Supplement 30 June 2017 p 32
- "A Coalition is Born" [2011] Journal of Liberal History 40-45
- "In the Theatre State" Times Literary Supplement 11 March 2011, p 23
- "Towards a Guilt-Free Society" Times Literary Supplement 5 June 1998, pp. 11-12
- What sort of Brexit do the British people want? A Longitudinal Study' (KCL and RAND Europe, 2018) (with C. Rohr et al.)
- 'What Sort of Brexit Do the British People Want? A Proof of Concept Study' (RAND Europe, 2017) ( (with C. Rohr et al.),
- "The Jackson Review: Lessons and Consequences" (in K. Oliphant et al. On a slippery slope (Working Group on Civil Justice, 2011),, Feb 2011)
Conference Papers
- 'Tort Law and the Pandemic’ – 19th Joint Seminar of the European Association of Law and Economics and the Geneva Association, 23 June 2022, Vienna, Austria
- ‘Meet the Author – Law as Engineering by David Howarth’ Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, 8 April 2022, (online)
- ‘Parliamentary Privilege – comparing Westminster and Holyrood’ Study of Parliament Group Conference, 7 Jan 2022, (online)
- ‘The Elections Bill’ Briefing for Board of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, 27 October 2021, (online)
- ‘Liberal Equality’ Beveridge Lecture 29 July 2021 (online)
- ‘Ecological Harm in English Tort Law’ British Association of Comparative law 30 March 2021 (online)
- Introduction, Conference on 100th Anniversary of Keynes’ ‘Economic Consequences of the Peace’, 9 September 2019, Cambridge
- ‘The process of Brexit and its effect on UK and the EU development policymaking’ Sinews of Sustainable Development Conference, 14 February 2019, Cambridge
- ‘Politics and Academia: Weber updated’ Bridging the Gap, Political Studies Association Early Career Network Conference, 6 December 2018, Birmingham
- ‘Salami Slicing’ Workshop on Post-Brexit Options for the UK: New Legal Analysis, 16 Nov 2018, Cambridge
- The Constitutional Implications of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill, UK in a Changing Europe Workshop, 13 November 2018, King’s College London
- ‘Legal Aspects of Brexit’ Carleton College 20 July 2018
- ‘Emerging Issues’ Lawyering for Legislatures Conference University of Hull 20 April 2018, Hull
- ‘The Place of Tort Law in the UK Public Transport System’ Annual Conference on European Tort Law 7 April 2018 Vienna, Austria
- ‘Political Equality and Electoral Law’ Social Science and Law Interdisciplinary Conference - March 2 2018, Jesus College, Cambridge
- The British Constitution as an Improvised Order (Reading 2017)
- Miller and the Constitution (Melbourne 2017)
- Private Law and the Environment (Cambridge 2017)
Recent Blog posts and Journalism
- ‘The Rise and Fall of Boris Johnson: Whitehall versus Westminster’ (with Colin Talbot) The House 22 July 2022
- ‘Probe will prove no one is above the law’ Daily Mail 29 April 2021
- ‘Who Monitors Donations to Ministers – Parliament, the Prime Minister, or the Electoral Commission?’, U.K. Const. L. Blog (31st January 2022)
- ‘Westminster versus Whitehall: Two Incompatible Views of the Constitution’, U.K. Const. L. Blog (10th Apr. 2019)
- ‘Threat of prorogation: what can the Commons do?’ Democratic Audit 28 August 2019
- ‘Interview: Why PM Johnson should already have gone’, Cambridge Centre for Business Research 12 Sept 2019
- ‘Has parliament taken back control and if so, are MPs about to shed their traditional party loyalties to prevent a no-deal Brexit?’ (with Simon Deakin) CBR Podcast and Blog, 29 January, 2019
- "Seizing control of Brexit" The UK in a Changing Europe 16 Jan 2019
- "Speaker John Bercow shows the government’s control is on even shakier ground than it thought" Times Red Box 10 Jan 2019
- How to Change the Government Without Causing a General Election’, U.K. Const. L. Blog (26th Nov. 2018) (available at (republished at and summarised at
- 'We asked the British public what kind of Brexit they want – and the Norway model is the clear winner' (The Conversation 11 October 2018) (with C. Rohr and J. Grant)
- 'To force a people’s vote on Brexit, MPs could threaten to block the budget' (The Conversation 9 Oct 2018)
- ‘On Parliamentary Silence’, U.K. Const. L. Blog (13th Dec 2016) (available at
- ‘The Government’s Fatal Concession in Miller‘, U.K. Const. L. Blog (27th Jan 2017) (available at
- 'Hinkley Point Update' Cambridge Public Policy SRI Blog (7 Sept. 2015) (available at (with Simon Deakin)
- 'Understanding the political context' Cambridge MPP blog (3 Oct 2014)
Other publications:
- Towards a Liberal Future (ALDC, 2018) (with Bernard Greaves)
- Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, in Brack, Little, and Ingham, British Liberal Leaders (Biteback, 2015)
- Liberalism, Environmentalism and Green Politics, in Brack, Burrell, Stockley and Tuffrey, The Green Book (Biteback, 2013)
- On Optimism in Politics, in A. Duff (ed.), Making the Difference: Essays in Honour of Shirley Williams (Biteback, 2010)
- Centre: in medias res, in Kevin Hickson, Political Thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats since 1945 (Manchester UP, 2009)
- What is Social Liberalism? in D. Brack, R. Grayson and D. Howarth Reinventing the State (Politico's, 2007)
- "Energy: A sustainable non-nuclear future" in D. Astle et al Britain after Blair (Profile, 2006)