2025 2024 - Li, Q.; Luca, D.; Fuerst, F. ; Wei., Z. (2024). Success in tandem? The impact of the introduction of e-bike sharing on bike sharing usage, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 107, 101476.
- Banerjee, A.; Das, P.; Fuerst, F. (2024): Are green and healthy building labels counterproductive in emerging markets? An examination of office rental contracts in India, Journal of Cleaner Production, 4555/141838.
- Li, Q.; Luca, D.; Fuerst, F.; Zhang, E. (2024). The travel pattern difference in dockless micro-mobility: Shared e-bikes versus shared bikes, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 130/104179.
- Akhtyrska, Y., & Fuerst, F. (2024). The effectiveness of climate change regulations in the commercial real estate market. Energy Policy, 185, 113916.
2023 - Li, Q., Fuerst, F., & Luca, D. (2023). Do shared E-bikes reduce urban carbon emissions? Journal of Transport Geography, 112, 103697.
- Felici, M., & Fuerst, F. (2023). The Heterogeneous Relationship of Owner-occupied and Investment Property with Household Portfolio Choice. Journal of Housing Economics, 62, 101964.
- Jackson T. Anderson, Franz Fuerst, Richard B. Peiser & Michael J. Seiler (2023) iBuyer’s Use of PropTech to Make Large-Scale Cash Offers, Journal of Real Estate Research, DOI: 10.1080/08965803.2023.2214467
- Haddad, M.F.C., Blazsek, S., Arestis, P. et al. (2023). The two-component Beta-t-QVAR-M-lev: a new forecasting model. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, DOI: 10.1007/s11408-023-00431-4
- Fuerst, F., [with Elhorst, P...... & Yu, J.] (2023). Raising the bar (24). Spatial Economic Analysis, 17(2), 151-155. 18 (2), 153-157.
2022 - Fuerst, F. [with Cajias, M.; Lorenz, F.; Willertsch, J .] (2022): Interpretable Machine Learning for Real Estate Market Analysis. Real Estate Economics. DOI: 10.1111/1540-6229.12397.
- Fuerst. F. [with Lai, Y; Papadopoulos, S; Sagi, J; Pivo, G; Kontokosta, C] (2022) Building Retrofit Hurdle Rates and Risk Aversion in Energy Efficiency Investments. Applied Energy, 306B,118048
- Elhorst,..Fuerst, F., ... & Yu, J. (2022). Raising the bar (23). Spatial Economic Analysis, 17(1), 1-6.
- Elhorst,..Fuerst, F., ... & Yu, J. (2022). Raising the bar (22). Spatial Economic Analysis, 17(2), 151-155.
2021 - Fuerst. F.; Warren-Myers, G. (2021): Pricing Climate Risk: Are Flooding and Sea Level Rise Capitalised in Australian Residential Property? Climate Risk Management, 34/100361.
- Akhtyrska, Y., Fuerst, F. (2021): People or Systems: Does Productivity Enhancement Matter More than Energy Management in LEED-certified Buildings? Sustainability 13 (24) https://doi.org/10.3390/su132413863
- Fuerst, F.; Mansley, N.; Wang, Z. (2021): Do Specialist Funds Outperform? Evidence from European Non-Listed Real Estate Funds. Research in International Business and Finance. Vol, 58, 101434, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2021.101434
- Candelon, B;. Fuerst, F.; Hasse, J.-B. (2021): Diversification Potential in Real Estate Portfolios. International Economics. Vol 166, p 126-139..
2020 - Fuerst, F.; Haddad, M. (2020): Real Estate Data to Analyse the Relationship between Property Prices, Sustainability Levels and Socio-economic Indicators. Data in Brief. 33/106359
- Fuerst, F.; Haddad, M., Adan, H. (2020): Is there an Economic Case for Energy-efficient Dwellings in England's Private Rental Market?" Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118642
- Elhorst, P., Abreu, M., Amaral, P.,...Fuerst, F... Yu, J. (2020): Raising the bar (15). Spatial Economic Analysis, 15(1), 115-119.
- Fuerst, F.; Kavarnou, D.; Singh, R.; Adan, H. (2020): Determinants of Energy Consumption and Exposure to Energy Price Risk: A UK Study. Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie. doi: 10.1365/s41056-019-00027-y
2019 - Ambrose, B.; Fuerst, F.; Mansley, N.; Wang, Z. (2019): Size Effects and Economies of Scale in European Real Estate Companies. Global Finance Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfj.2019.04.004.
- Fuerst, F. & Dalton, B. (2019): Is there a Scientific Consensus on the Economic Viability of Sustainable Buildings? (in German). Z Immobilienökonomie. https://doi.org/10.1365/s41056-019-00041-0
- Fingleton, B.; Fuerst. F.; Szumilo, N. (2019): Housing Affordability: Is New Local Supply the Key? Environment and Planning A. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0308518X18798372.
- Fuerst, F.; Cajias, M.; Bienert, S. (2019): Tearing Down the Information Barrier: The Price Impacts of Energy Efficiency Ratings for Buildings in the German Rental Market. Energy Research and Social Science. 47, 177-191
2018 - Fuerst. F.; Warren-Myers, G. (2018): Does Voluntary Disclosure Create a Green Lemon Problem? Energy-Efficiency Ratings and House Prices. Energy Economics. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2018.04.041
- Fuerst, F., Singh, R. (2018): How Present Bias Forestalls Energy Efficiency Upgrades: a Study of Household Appliance Purchases in India. Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.100
- Elhorst, P., Abreu, M., Amaral, P.,...Fuerst, F... Yu, J. (2018): Raising the bar (8). Spatial Economic Analysis, 13(1), 1-4. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2018.1492823
- Warren-Myers, G.; Aschwanden,G.; Fuerst, F.; Krause, A. (2018): Estimating the Real Implications of Sea Level Rise for Public and Private Property Ownership, Occupation and Management. Risks, 6(2), 37; doi:10.3390/risks6020037
- Busic, A.; Fuerst, F. (2018): Does your Personality Shape your Reaction to Your Neighbours' Behaviour? A Spatial Study of the Diffusion of Solar Panels. Energy and Buildings. https://doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.11.009.
- Fuerst, F.; Unbehaun, F. (2018): Cap Rates and Risk: A Spatial Analysis of Commercial Real Estate, Studies in Economics and Finance, DOI:10.1108/SEF-11-2016-0267.
- Costa, O.; Fuerst, F.; Mendes-Da-Silva, W.; Robinson, S. (2018): Green Label Signals in an Emerging Real Estate Market. A Case Study of Sao Paulo, Brazil. doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.281: Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Chuang, M.; Fuerst, F.; (2018): Determinants of Cap Rates in US Office Markets, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 26/1, 267-282.
- Elhorst, P., Abreu, M., Amaral, P.,...Fuerst, F... Yu, J. (2018): Raising the bar (7). Spatial Economic Analysis, 13(1), 1-4. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2018.1417680
- Costa, O.; Fuerst, F.; Mendes-Da-Silva, W.; (2018): Are Corporate Office Buildings Priced Differently?, Journal of Property Investment & Finance; DOI(10.1108/JPIF-01-2018-0004.
2017 - Fuerst, F., Gross, S. (2017): The Commercial Performance of Global Airports. Transport Policy. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2017.08.005
- Busic, A.; Fuerst, F., Czap, N. (2017): The Role of Personality Traits in Green Decision-Making. Journal of Economic Psychology, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2017.06.012.
- Dalton, B.; Fuerst, F. (2017): The Green Real Estate Premium: A Meta-Analysis. In: Wilkinson et al: The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Real Estate. Routledge, 9781138655096.
- Elhorst, P., Abreu, M., Amaral, P.,...Fuerst, F... Yu, J. (2017): Raising the bar (6). Spatial Economic Analysis, 12(4), 347-52. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2017.1372965
- Szumilo, N.; Fuerst, F. (2017): Income Risk in Energy-Efficient Office Buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, 34, 309-320.
- Weiner, D.; Fuerst, F. (2017): The Dynamics of House Prices in Israel and the Effect of the Investor’s Fear Gauge. Journal of Housing Research, 26/1, 95-117.
- Szumilo, N.; Fuerst, F. , Laszkiewicz, E. (2017): The Spatial Impact of Employment Centres on Housing Markets. Spatial Economic Analysis, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17421772.2017.1339119.
- Fuerst, F.; Gabrieli, T.; McAllister, P. (2017): A Green Winner's Curse? Investor Behavior in the Market for Eco-Certified Office Buildings, Economic Modelling, 61, 137-146.
- Fuerst, F. (2017): Do Urban Economics and Real Estate Economics Still Matter? A Very Tentative Bibliometric Analysis. In Besecke et al: Perspectives on Urban Economics (non peer reviewed).
- Elhorst, P., Abreu, M., Amaral, P.,...Fuerst, F... Yu, J. (2017): Raising the bar (5). Spatial Economic Analysis, 12(4), 347-52. DOI: 10.1080/17421772.2016.12700
2016 - Fuerst, F.; Oikarinen, E.; Harjunen, O. (2016): Green Signalling Effects in the Market for Energy-Efficient Residential Buildings, Applied Energy, 180/560-571.
- Geiger, P.; Cajias, M.; Fuerst, F. (2016): A Class of its Own? The Role of Sustainable Real Estate in a Conditional Value at Risk Multi-Asset Portfolio. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, 8, 190-214.
- Fuerst, F.; Shimizu, C. (2016): Green Luxury Goods? The Economics of Eco-Labels in the Japanese Housing Market, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, DOI: 10.1016/j.jjie.2016.01.003.
- Fuerst, F.; McAllister, P.; Nanda, A.; Wyatt, P. (2016): Energy Performance Ratings and House Prices in Wales: An Empirical Study. Energy Policy, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.01.024 92, 20-32.
2015 - Fuerst, F.; Adan, H. (2015): Do Energy Efficiency Measures Really Reduce Household Energy Consumption? A Difference-in-Differences Analysis, Energy Efficiency, DOI 10.1007/s12053-015-9418-3.
- Fuerst, F.; Krautz, S. (2015): Size Signals Success: Evidence from Real Estate Private Equity, Journal of Portfolio Management, Real Estate Special Issue 2015, 1-9.
- Fuerst, F.; Adan, H. (2015): Modelling energy retrofit investments in the UK housing market: a microeconomic approach, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 4/3.
- Fuerst, F.; van de Wetering, J. (2015): How does environmental efficiency impact on the rents of commercial offices in the UK? Journal of Property Research, doi:/10.1080/09599916.2015.1047399.
- Fuerst, F.; McAllister, P.; Nanda, A.; Wyatt, P. (2015): Does Energy Efficiency Matter to Home Buyers? An Investigation of EPC Ratings and Transaction Prices in England. Energy Economics, 48, 145-151.
- Fuerst, F.; Milcheva, S.; Baum, A. (2015): Cross-Border Capital Flows into Real Estate, Real Estate Finance. 31/3, 103-122.
- Fuerst, F.; McAllister, P.; Sivitanides, P. (2015): Flight to Quality? An Investigation of Changing Price Spreads in Commercial Real Estate Markets. Studies in Economics and Finance, 32/1, doi:10.1108/SEF-10-2013-0155.
2014 in Y. Jin (ed), Applied Urban Modelling: Assessing Pathways towards Energy Efficient and Climate-Wise Regions. Cambridge: British Academy. Forthcoming. - Fuerst, F.; Lin, P.-T. (2014): The Integration of Direct Real Estate and Stock Markets in Asia. Applied Economics. 46/12, 1323–133.
- Fuerst, F. ; Lin, P. T. (2014): Volatility Clustering, Risk-Return Relationship and Asymmetric Adjustment in Canadian Housing Markets. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management. 20/1, 37-46.
- Fuerst, F.; Cajias, M.; Bienert, S. (2014): Can Investing in Corporate Social Responsibility Lower a Company’s Cost of Capital? Studies in Economics and Finance. 31/2, 202-222.
- Fuerst, F.; Kontokosta, C.; McAllister, P. (2014): Determinants of Green Building Adoption. Environment and Planning B. 41(3) 551 – 570.
- Fuerst, F.; Cajias, M.; McAllister, P.; Nanda, A. (2014): Do Responsible Real Estate Companies Outperform Their Peers? International Journal of Strategic Property Management. 18/1, 11-27.
- Fingleton, B. , Abreu, M. , Corrado, L., Fuerst, F. , Garretsen, H. , Igliori, D., ... Yu, J. (2014). [Editorial] . Spatial Economic Analysis , 9 (1), 1-8.
2013 - Fuerst, F.; McAllister, P.; Nanda, A.; Wyatt, P. (2013): An investigation of the effect of EPC ratings on house prices. Department of Energy and Climate Change, Report, 17 June 2013.
- Szumilo, N.; Fuerst, F. (2013): The Operating Expense Puzzle US Green Office Buildings. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, Vol.5.
- Fuerst, F. ; Matysiak, G.A. (2013): Analyzing the Performance of Non-Listed Real Estate Funds: A Panel Data Analysis. Applied Economics.45/14, 1777-1788.
- Fuerst, F., Wyatt, P., van de Wetering, J. (2013): Is intrinsic energy efficiency reflected in the pricing of office leases? Building Research and Information. 41/4, 1–11.
- Fingleton, B. , Abreu, M. , Corrado, L., Fuerst, F. , Garretsen, H. , Igliori, D., ... Yu, J. (2013). [Letter to the editor] . Spatial Economic Analysis , 8 (4), 419-424.
2012 2011 - Fuerst, F. ; McAllister, P. (2011): The Impact of Energy Performance Certificates on the Rental and Capital Values of Commercial Property Assets. Energy Policy, 39/10, 6608-6614.
- Fuerst, F., McAllister, P. (2011): Eco-Labeling, Rents, Sales Prices and Occupancy Rates: Do LEED and Energy Star Labeled Offices Obtain Multiple Premiums? Ecological Economics. 70/6, 1220-1230.
- Fuerst, F., McAllister,P., van de Wetering, J. and Wyatt, P. (2011) Measuring the financial performance of green buildings in the UK commercial property market: Addressing the data issues. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction . 16/2, 163 - 185
- Fuerst, F.; Gross, S.; Klose, U. (2011): The Sky is the Limit? - The Determinants and Constraints of European Airports' Commercial Revenues. Journal of Air Transport Management.17/5, 278-83.
- Fuerst, F., McAllister, P., Murray, C (2011): Designer Buildings: An Evaluation of the Economic Value of Signature Architecture. Environment and Planning A , 43/1, 166-184.
- Fuerst, F.and McAllister, P. (2011): Green Noise or Green Value? Measuring the Effects of Environmental Certification on Office Values. Real Estate Economics. 39/1, 1-25.
- Fuerst, F., McAllister, P., Wyatt, P., van de Wetering, J. (2010): Establishing a Data Framework for Measuring the Price Effects of Eco-certification. RICS Research Report.
2010 2009 - Fuerst, F. and Marcato, G. (2009): Style Analysis in Real Estate Markets: Beyond the Sectors and Regions Dichotomy. Journal of Portfolio Management, 35/5, 104-117
- Fuerst, F. (2009): Building Momentum: An Analysis of Investment Trends in LEED and Energy-Star-Certified Properties. Journal of Retail and Leisure Property, Vol. 8/4.
- Fuerst, F.and McAllister, P. (2009): An Investigation of the Effect of Eco-Labeling on Office Occupancy Rates. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, 1/1, 49-64.
- Fuerst, F. (2009): .Defining the Scope of Real Estate Management: A Comparison of International Practices and Standards. Real Estate Review, 38/1.
- Fuerst, F. and Matysiak, G. (2009): Drivers of Fund Performance: A Panel Data Analysis. INREV Quarterly Research Report, September 2009.
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