Key publications: - (2024) The effect of air pollution on defensive expenditures: evidence from individual commercial health insurance in China (with Ning Zhang et al.) Forthcoming Journal of Environmental Management
- (2024) Systematic review of the achieved emission reductions of carbon crediting projects (with Probst Benedict et al.) Forthcoming Nature Communications.
- (2024) Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms (with Philippe Delacote, et al.), Nature Sustainability.
- (2024) Evaluating the impacts of a large-scale voluntary REDD+ project in Sierra Leone (with M. Malan, R. Carmenta, E. Ghosttbauer, T. Swinfield, and M. Voors), Nature Sustainability,
- (2024) Spatially Coordinated Conservation Auctions: A Framed Field Experiment Focusing on Farmland Wildlife Conservation in China (with Zhaoyang Liu, Simanti Banerjee, Timothy N. Cason, Nick Hanley, Qi Liu, Jintao Xu), American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
- (2024) Chilling results: how explicit warm glow appeals fail to boost pro-environmental behaviour. (with Paul Lohmann, Elisabeth Gsottbauer, and Sander van der Linden), Behavioural Public Policy. Published online 2024:1-26.
- (2024) High levels of air pollution reduce team performance (with Paul Lohmann, Benedict Probst, and Elisabeth Gsottbauer), Journal of Economic Psychology. Vol 101, Issue 102705
- (2024) Energy Shocks and Revival of a Global High Inflation Regime, Special Issue in Energy Economics (co-editor with Muhammad Ali Nasir)
- (2023) Action needed to make carbon offsets from tropical forest conservation work for climate change mitigation (with West, T et al.), Science, Vol 381, Issue 6660, pp. 873-877, DOI: 10.1126/science.ade3535
- (2023) Do Flood and Heatwave Experiences Shape Climate Opinion? Causal Evidence from Flooding and Heatwaves in England and Wales (with Paul Lohmann), Environmental and Resource Economics, 86, pp. 263–304,
- (2023) Credit credibility threatens forests, (with Balmford, A. et al.), Science, Vol 380, Issue 6644, pp. 466-467
- (2023) Anti-social behaviour and economic decision-making: Panel experimental evidence in the wake of COVID-19, (with Paul Lohmann, Elisabeth Gsottbauer, and Jing You), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol 206, pp. 136-171
- (2023) Exploring local public support for Protected Areas: what social factors influence stated and active support among local people? (with Jim McGinlay, Nikoleta Jones. Chrisovalantis Malesios et al.), Environmental Science and Policy, vol 145, pp. 250-251, DOI:
- (2023) The impact of open access mandates on inventions: Evidence from the U.S. National Laboratories (with B. Probst, L. Diaz Anadon, and P Lohmann), IScience, forthcoming.
- (2023) Using perceived impacts, governance and social indicators to explain support for protected areas, (with Nikoleta Jones, Chrisovalantis Malesios, Jim McGinlay et al.), Environmental Research Letters, vol 18 (5), DOI:
- (2023) Air pollution and anti-social behaviour: Evidence from a randomized lab-in-the-field experiment,(with Paul Lohmann, Elisabeth Gsottbauer, and Jing You), Social Science & Medicine, Volume 320, 115617,
- (2023) The impact of open access mandates on scientific research and technological development in the U.S., (with B. Probst, P. M. Lohmann, L. Diaz Anadon), iScience, vol. 2 (10), 107740,
- (2023) From Covid-19 to conflict: Does environmental regulation and green innovation improve industrial sector decarbonization efforts and environmental management? (with Hashim Zameer and Muhammad Shahbaz), Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 345, 1 November 2023, DOI:
- (2022) Do Carbon Footprint Labels promote Climatarian Diets? Evidence from a large-scale Field Experiment (with Paul Lohmann, Elisabeth Gsottbauer, Anya Doherty), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , Volume 114, DOI:
- (2022) Understanding Public Support for European Protected Areas: A Review of the Literature and Proposing a New Approach for Policy Makers (with Jones, N.; McGinlay, J..; Maguire-Rajpaul, V.A.; Dimitrakopoulos, P.G.; Gkoumas, V.; Riseth, J.Å.; Sepp, K.; Vanclay, F), Land, 11, 733.
- (2021) COVID-19 and protected areas: impacts, conflicts and possible management solutions, Conservation Letters, DOI:
- (2021) Connecting scientific advances and patented technologies: The role of open access scientific publishing in clean-technology innovation (with B. Probst and L. Diaz Anadon), CEENRG Working Paper 2021-4, DOI:
- (2021) UK consumers’ preferences on floating rice: Implications for environmentally friendly agriculture in Vietnam (with Vo Hong Tu, Steven W Kopp, Nguyen Thuy Trang, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Sustainability, 13(15), 8354;
- (2020) Leveraging private investment to expand renewable power generation: Evidence on financial additionality and productivity gains from Uganda (with B. Probst, L. Westermann and L. Diaz Anadon), World Development, vol 140, April 2021, 105347, DOI:
- (2020) The Impact of COVID-19 on the Management of European Protected Areas and Policy Implications (with McGinlay, Jones, Dimitrakopoulos et al), Forests, 11(11), 1214; DOI
- (2020) Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon (with Thales West, Jan Börner, Erin O. Sills), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS),
- (2020) The short-term costs of local content requirements in the Indian solar auctions (with Benedict Probst, Vasilios Anatolitis, and Laura Diaz Anadón), Nature Energy,
- (2020) Decomposing Scale and Technique Effects of Economic Growth on Energy Consumption: Fresh Evidence in Developing Economies (with M. Shahbaz M and A. Sinha), International Journal of Finance and Economics,
- (2020) Impacts of a large-scale titling initiative on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (with Benedict Probst, Ariel BenYishay, and Tiago Reis), Nature Sustainability, (
- (2020) Exploring mechanisms and impacts of an incentive-based conservation program with evidence from a Randomized Control Trial (with Emma Wiik, Julia.P. G. Jones, Edwin Pynegar, Patrick Bottazzi1,Nigel Asquith, James Gibbons), Conservation Biology, (
- (2020) Environmental Implications of Increased US Oil Production and Liberal Growth Agenda in Post-Paris Agreement Era (with M Shahbaz, S Kablan, S Hammoudeh, M.A. Nasir), Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 271, 110785 (
- (2019) The Behavioural Effect of Electronic Home Energy Reports: Evidence from a Randomised Field Trial in the United States (with Marisa L Henry and Paul J Ferraro), Energy Policy, Volume 132, pp. 1256-1261.
- (2019) Performance of agglomeration bonuses in conservation auctions: Lessons from a framed field experiment, (with Zhaoyang Liu, Jintao Xu, Xiaojun Yang, Qin Tu, Nick Hanley), Environment and Resource Economics, Volume 73, Issue 3, pp 843–869
- (2019) Unconditional Transfers and Tropical Forest Conservation. Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Sierra Leone, (with Beccy Wilebore, Maarten Voors, Erwin Bulte, and David Coomes), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101 (3), 894-918.
- (2018) Meta-analysis of livelihood impacts of payments for environmental services programmes in developing countries, (with Liu Zhaoyang), Ecological Economics, Volume 149, Pages 48–61
- (2018) How do Payments for Environmental Services affect land tenure? Theory and Evidence from China (with Zhaoyang Liu and Yazhen Gong), Ecological Economics, Volume 144, Pages 195-213
- (2017) Chief for a Day: Elite Capture and Management Performance in a Field Experiment in Sierra Leone (with M. Voors, T Turley, E. Bulte and J. A. List), Management Science,
- (2017) Diffusion of treatment in social networks and mass drug administration. (with Goylette Chami, Erwin Bulte, Alan Fenwick, Narcis Kabatereine, Edridah Tukahebwa, and David Dunne), Nature-Communications, 1929, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01499-z
- (2017) Identifying a Sustained Pathway to Multidimensional Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Two Chinese Provinces (with Jing You and Sangui Wang), Journal of Development Studies;
- (2017) From Personalized Exchange Towards Anonymous Trade: A Field Experiment on the Workings of the Invisible Hand (with Bulte, E., J. A. List, T Turley, and M. Voors), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 133, Pages 313–330 (
- (2017) Community-directed mass drug administration is undermined by status seeking in friendship networks and inadequate trust in health advice networks (with Goylette F. Chami, Erwin Bulte, Alan Fenwick, Narcis B. Kabatereine, Edridah M. Tukahebwa, David W. Dunne), Social Science & Medicine, Volume 183, Pages 37-47, (
- (2016) From Ignorance to Evidence? The Use of Programme Evaluation in Conservation:Evidence from a Delphi Survey of Conservation Experts (with Hannah Curzon), Journal of Environmental Management, 180, 466-475 (
- (2016) Valuing Forest Ecosystem Services and Disservices- Case Study of a Protected Area in India, (with Karachepone Ninan), Ecosystem Services, 20, pp. 1-14. (
- (2016) Profiling non-recipients of mass drug administration for schistosomiasis and hookworm infections: a comprehensive analysis of praziquantel and albendazole coverage in community-directed treatment in Uganda (with Goylette F. Chami, Erwin Bulte, Alan Fenwick, Narcis B. Kabatereine, Edridah M. Tukahebwa, and David W. Dunne), Clinical Infectious Disease, 62 (2): 200-207
- (2015) Influence of S. mansoni and hookworm infection intensities on anaemia in Ugandan villages. (with Chami G. F., Fenwick A., Bulte E., Kabatereine N., Tukahebwa E., Dunne D.W.) PLOS NTDS, 9(10): e0004193. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004193
- (2015) Is it a Norm to Favour Your Own Group? (with Donna Harris, Benedikt Herrmann, and Jonathan Newton), Experimental Economics, 18, 491-521
- (2014) Social network analysis predicts health behaviors and self-reported health in African villages (with Goylette F. Chami, Sebastian E. Ahnert, Maarten J. Voors), PLOS ONE, Volume 9, Issue 7, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103500
- (2014) Consumer Preferences for Functional GM Foods in the UK: A Choice Experiment (with James Ison), Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management and Economics, AgBioForum, Volume 17, Number 1, Article 4.
- (2014) Economic Analysis for the UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis and Scenario Valuation of Changes in Ecosystem Services (with Ian Bateman et al.), Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 57, Issue 2, pp 273-297
- (2014) The value of urban green space in Britain: a methodological framework for spatially referenced benefit transfer (with Perino, G., Andrews, B., and Bateman, I.J), Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 57, Issue 2, pp 251-272.
- (2013) Ecosystem Services: Nature's Balance Sheet Response, (with Ian Bateman et al) Science. Vol. 342. no. 6157, pp. 421 - 422
- (2013) Bringing Ecosystem Services into Economic Decision-Making: Land Use in the United Kingdom, (with Bateman et al), Science, 5 July, Vol. 341 no. 6141 pp. 45-50.
- (2013) Assessing Participation In Voluntary Environmental Programs In The Developing World: The role of FDI and export orientation on ISO14001 adoption in Thailand (with K. Tambunlertchai and M. Khanna), Applied Economics, Volume 45, Issue 15, pp. 2039-2048
- (2013) Exploring Network Theory for Mass Drug Administration (with Goylette F. Chami, David H. Molyneux, and David W. Dunne), Trends in Parasitology, Volume 29, Issue 8, 370-379
- (2012) Participation in Payments for Ecosystem Services programmes: accounting for participant heterogeneity (with Katrina Mullan), Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Volume 1, Issue 3, November, pages 235-254
- (2012) Stated Preferences for Tropical Wildlife Conservation Amongst Distant Beneficiaries: Charisma, Endemism, Scope and Substitution Effects (with Sian Morse-Jones, Ian Bateman, Silvia Ferrini, Neil D Burgess, and R. Kerry Turner), Ecological Economics, Volume 78, Pages 9-18
- (2012) Review of the evidence base for ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change (with Munroe, R et al.) Environmental Evidence 2012, 1:13 doi:10.1186/2047-2382-1-13
- (2012) Behavior in Context-Free Experiments is not Predictive of Behavior in the Field: Evidence from Public Good Experiments in Rural Sierra Leone (with M. Voors, T Turley, E. Bulte and J. A. List), Economic Letters, Volume 114, Issue 3, Pages 308-311
- (2011) Using Artefactual Field Experiments to Learn about the Incentives for Sustainable Forest Use in Developing Economies (with M. Voors, T Turley, E. Bulte and J. A. List), American Economic Review,P&P, vol, 101:3, pp.
- (2010) ‘Land Tenure Arrangements and Rural–Urban Migration in China’, (with Mullan, K. And Pauline Grosjean) World Development, doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2010.08.009
- (2010) ‘When should households be compensated for land-use restrictions? A decision-making framework for Chinese forest policy’. (with Mullan, K., Swanson, T. Zhang, S.) Land Use Policy, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2010.08.003
- (2010) ‘Relaxing Rural Constraints: A win-win policy for environment and poverty in China?’ (with Ben Groom, Pauline Grosjean, Timothy Swanson and Shiqiu Zhang). Oxford Economic Papers, Volume 62, Issue1, pp. 132-156
- (2010) ‘An evaluation of the impact of the Natural Forest Protection Programme on Rural Household Livelihoods’ (with Katrina Mullan, Tim Swanson and Shiqiu Zhang). Environmental Management, Volume 45, Number 3, 513-525.
- (2009) ‘How sustainability are sustainable development programmes?’ (with Pauline Grosjean) World Development, Volume 37, Issue 1, pp. 268-285.
- (2009) ‘Assessing the Determinants of Local Acceptability of Wind Farm Investment: A Choice Experiment in the Greek Aegean Islands’ (with Alexandros Dimitropoulos), Energy Policy, 37, (5), pp. 1842-185
- (2009) Emergy Evaluation of a Village Ecosystem in Wolong Nature Reserve in China (with Chen Yong and Chen Guojie), Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 7 (2),pp 59-66.
- (2008) 'Nuisance' (with Timothy Swanson) article entry in Encyclopaedia of Law and Economics, Vol 2, pp. 380-402.
- (2007) ‘Valuing Complex Goods: Or, can you get anything out of experts other than a decision?’ (with Ben Groom and Tim Swanson, Research in Law and Economics, volume 23, pp. 301-336.
- (2006) ‘Market Segmentation Analysis of Preferences for GM Derived Animal Foods in the UK, (with Mitsuyasu Yabe) Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization: Vol. 4 : Iss. 1, Article 8, 38 pages.
- (2004) ‘Assessing the Impacts of Alternative ‘Opt-out’ Formats in Choice Experiment Studies’ (with M. Yabe), Journal of Agricultural Policy Research, vol. 5, pp. 1-32.
- (2003) ‘The WTP for Property Rights for the Giant Panda: Can a Charismatic Species be an Instrument for Nature Conservation?’ (with T.M. Swanson), Land Economics, , 79 (4): 483–499.
- (2002) ‘Individual Preference Based Values and Environmental Decision Making: Should Valuation have its day in Court?’, Research in Law and Economics, Volume 20, pp. 179–216.
- (2000) 'Why did the Protected Areas Fail the Giant Panda? The Economics of conserving endangered species in developing countries' (with Timothy Swanson), World Economics, 1(4), pp.135-148.
Books- (2009) Agrobiodiversity, Conservation and Economic Development (with Unai Pascual and Melinda Smale), Routledge
- (2007) Biodiversity Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications (with Unai Pascual and Tim Swanson), Cambridge University Press
- (2004) Handbook of Market Creation for Biodiversity: Issues in Implementation (with T.M. Swanson and P. Bagnioli), OECD Environment & Sustainable Development
- (2001) The Economics of Panda Reserve Management: A Case Study of Wolong Reserve, Sichuan, China. (with Timothy Swanson, Wang Qiwen, Qiao Xuejun and Catherine Yang), Environmental Economics Working Group, China Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Articles in Books, Collective Volumes and Series- (2014) The UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Valuing Changes in Ecosystem Services (with Bateman et al), in Nature in the Balance - The Economics of Biodiversity, D. Helm and C. Hepburn (Eds), Oxford University Press.
- (2014) Stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation (with Sian Morse-Jones, Ian Bateman, Silvia Ferrini, Neil D Burgess, and R. Kerry Turner) Valuing Ecosystem Services-Methodological Issues and Case Studies, Edward Elgar.
- (2012) Does Conserving Biodiversity Work to Reduce Poverty? A State of Knowledge Review, (with Craig Leisher, M. Sanjayan, Jill Blockhus, and S. Neil Larsen).
- (2012) Dependence of the poor on biodiversity: which poor, what biodiversity? - A State of Knowledge Review (with Bhaskar Vira), forthcoming in Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Exploring the Evidence for a Link Dilys Roe et al (Eds.), Blackwell.
- (2010) Assessing the Sustainability of the Sloping Land Conversion Program: a Choice Experiment Approach, in Ekin Birol and Jeff Bennett (Eds) Choice Experiments in Developing Countries: Implementation, Challenges and Policy Implications, Edward Elgar.
- (2010) The economics of nuisance disputes, (with T. Swanson), Bouckaert, Boudewijn (eds) Property Law and Economics, Edward Elgar.
- (2009) Property Rights and Land Degradation in China (with Jeff Bennett),Asia Pacific Economic Papers, Vol. 13 No. 4 May 2009.
- (2009) An Evaluation of the Impact of the Natural Forest Protection Programme on Rural Household Livelihoods (with Katrina Mullan, Tim Swanson, and Shiqiu Zhang) in Runsheng Yin (Ed) An Integrated Assessment of China’s Ecological Restoration Programs, Springer, pp. 175-199
- (2009) International Experiences in Ecosystem Management: Lessons for China, in Tun Lin and Tim Swanson (eds) Economic Growth and Environmental Regulation: The People's Republic of China's Path to a Brighter Future, Routledge
- (2009) Introduction to Agrobiodiversity and Economic Development (with Unai Pascual and Melinda) in Andreas Kontoleon, Unai Pascual and Melinda Smale (eds) Agrobiodiversity, Conservation and Economic Development Routledge
- (2009) "Two's Company, Three's a Group: The impact of group identity and group size on in-group favouritism," (with Donna Harris and Benedikt Herrmann), Environmental Economy and Policy Research Working Papers 41.2009, University of Cambridge, Department of Land Economy.
- (2007) Latent Market Segmentation Analysis of Choice Experiment Data and Implications for the EU’s GM labelling policy (with Mitsuyasu Yabe), in Ekin Birol and Pheobe Koundouri-Pittis (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing European Environmental Policy, Edward Elgar, 2007.
- (2007) Using a choice experiment to investigate the role of small family farms in Hungary’s agri-environmental schemes (with Ekin Birol and Melinda Smale in Ekin Birol and Pheobe Koundouri-Pittis (Eds.) Choice Experiments Informing European Environmental Policy, Edward Elgar, 2007.
- (2007) Assessing the Private Value of Agro-biodiversity in Hungarian Home Gardens by Using the Data Enrichment Method (with Ekin Birol and Melinda Smale) in Kontoleon, A. U. Pascual and T. Swanson (Eds.) Biodiversity Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2007
- (2005) Farmer Demand for Agricultural Biodiversity in Hungary’s Transition Economy (with Ekin Birol and Melinda Smale) in Smale, M. (ed) Valuing Crop Genetic Biodiversity on Farms during Economic Change, CAB International, Wallingford, UK
- (2005) ‘Environmental Resource Information and the Validity of Non-Use Values: The Case of Remote Mountain Lakes’ in Econometrics Informing Natural Resource Management, P. Koundouris (Ed), Edward Elgar
- (2005) ‘Conflicts in Conservation: Aggregating Total Economic’, in Econometrics Informing Natural Resource Management, P. Koundouris (Ed), Edward Elgar
- (2004) “What future for Environmental Liability? The Use of Liability Systems for Environmental Regulation in the Courtrooms of the United States and the European Union”, (with T. Swanson) in Norman Vig and Michael Faure (Eds.) Green Giants? Environmental Policy of the United States and the European Union, Boston: MIT Press, 2004
- (2002) 'Motivating Existence Value' (with T.M. Swanson) inDaniel Bromley and Jouni Paavola (Eds.) Economics, Ethics, and Environmental Policy: Contested Choices, Blackwell Publishers, 2002.
- (2002) 'Optimal Panda Ecotourism: A Contingent Valuation Study of Ecotourism Development in The Wolong Panda Reserve in Sichuan, China', (with T.M. Swanson and Q. Wang) in David W. Pearce, Corin G. Pearce and Charles E. Palmer (Eds.) Valuing the Environment in Developing Countries: Case Studies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002.
- (2002) 'Conflicts in Conservation: The Many Values of The Black Rhinoceros' (with T.M. Swanson, S. Mourato and J. Swierzbinski) in David W. Pearce, Corin G. Pearce and Charles Palmer (eds.) Valuing Environmental Benefits. Volume I: Case Studies from the Developing World, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002.
- (2001) 'Preserving Cultural Heritage in Transition Economies: A Contingent Valuation Study of Bulgarian Monasteries' (with Susana Mourato and Alexi Danchev) in Stale Navrud and Richard Ready (Eds.) Valuing Cultural Heritage: Applying Environmental Valuation Techniques to Historic Buildings, Monuments and Artefacts. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Published Policy Research Reports: - (2015) Who Walks in the Shadows? Revealing the Blind Spots of the Natural Forest Protection Programme in China (with Zhaoyang Liu and Jintao Xu) Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), No rr20160329, Research Report
- (2011) Urban (with Linda Davies et al), In: The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report.UK National Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP-WCMC,Cambridge.
- (2011) Economic Values from Ecosystems (with G. Perino, B. Andrews., and I.J. Bateman), In: TheUK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report.UK National Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP-WCMC,Cambridge.
- (2011) Urban greenspace amenity (with G. Perino, B. Andrews., and I.J. Bateman), In: The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report.UK National Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP-WCMC,Cambridge.
- (2010) Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Technical Series No: 55, 91 pages. Available at:
- (2010) Dependence of the poor on biodiversity: which poor, what biodiversity?, (with Bhaskar Vira), Report International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Available at:
- (2010) Does Conserving Biodiversity Work to Reduce Poverty? (with Craig Leisher, M. Sanjayan, Jill Blockhus and S. Neil Larsen) Report International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Available at:
- (2008) “TEBB Interim Report’ on The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity” (with Pavan Sukhdev et al), European Commission, 68 pages. Available at:
- (2008) Policy Recommendations from China’s Macro-Review: Report by an International Review Panel, Monograph Report Published for the Asian Development Bank, 20 pages
- (2008) International Experiences with Ecosystem Management: Lessons for China, Monograph Report Published for the Asian Development Bank, 146 pages
- (2008) Benefits and Costs of Forest Biodiversity: Economic Theory and Case Study Evidence (with Katrina Mullan), Monograph Report Published for the European Commission as part of the Potsdam Initiative and TEEB, 167 pages, Available at:
- (2006) Assessing the Impacts of the Natural Forest Protection Programme on Local Community Welfare, Report Published by China Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development; 84 pages.
- (2006) Assessing the Impacts of the Sloping Land Conversion Programme on Local Community Welfare, Report Published by China Council for International Cooperation on the Environment and Development; 115 pages.
- (2006) Integrated Assessment of the Impact Agricultural Trade Policies on Biodiversity (with U. Pascual). Report published for the UNEP-WCMC, 58 pages.