Key publications:
- Zhu, B. and Lizieri, C. (forthcoming) Local Beta: Has Local Real Estate Market Risk Been Priced in REIT Returns? Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics, forthcoming, online
- Crosby, N., Devaney, S., Lizieri, C. and Mansley, N. (2022) Modelling sustainable rents for estimation of long-term or fundamental values of commercial real estate, Journal of Property Research, 39(1). 30-55.
- Zhu, B. and Lizieri, C. (2021) Connected Markets through Global Real Estate Investments, Real Estate Economics, 49(S2) 618-654
- Allen, D., Lizieri, C. and Satchell, S. (2020) A Comparison of Non-Gaussian VaR Estimation and Portfolio Construction Techniques, Journal of Empirical Finance, 58, 356-368,
- Allen, D., Lizieri, C. and Satchell, S. (2019) In Defense of Portfolio Optimisation What If We Can Forecast?, Financial Analysts Journal, 75(3), 20-38
- Bao, H., Li, L. and Lizieri, C. (2019) City Profile: Chongqing (1997-2017) Cities, 94, 161-171.
- Gong, C., Lizieri, C. and Bao, H. (2019) “Smarter information, smarter consumers”? Insights into the housing market, Journal of Business Research, 97, 51-64
- Garza, N. and Lizieri, C. (2019) An empirical approach to urban land monopoly: a case study of the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, Urban Studies, 56, 1931-1950, DOI:
- Lizieri, C. and Mekic, D. (2018) Real estate and global networks: drilling into the City of London, in Hoyler, M., Parnreiter, C. and Watson, A. (eds) Global City Makers, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar ISBN 978 1 78536 894 3
- Monson, S., Bao, H. and Lizieri, C. (2018) A behavioral interpretation of the NAV discount puzzle in listed real estate companies, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 24(2) 151-166.
- Crosby, N., Devaney, S., Lizieri, C. and McAllister, P. (2018) Can institutional investors bias real estate portfolio appraisals? Evidence from the market downturn, Journal of Business Ethics 147(3) 651-667
- Garza, N. and Lizieri, C. (2016) Skyscrapers and the economy in Latin America, Journal of Property Research, 33(4) 269-292.
- Garza, N. and Lizieri, C. (2016) A Spatial-Temporal Assessment of the Land Value Development Tax, Land Use Policy, 50, 449-460
- Cremmers, M. and Lizieri, C. (2015) How Active is Your Real Estate Fund Manager? Journal of Alternative Investments, 18(1) 22-36
- Lizieri, C. and Pain, K. (2014) International Office Investment in Global Cities: The Production of Financial Space and Systemic Risk, Regional Studies, 48(3), 439-455, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2012.753434
- Lizieri, C. (2013) After the Fall: Real Estate in the Mixed Asset Portfolio in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, Journal of Portfolio Management, 39(5), 43-59. DOI: 10.3905/jpm.2013.39.5.043
- Yuo, S-T and Lizieri, C. (2013) Tenant Placement Strategies within Multi-Level Large-Scale Shopping Centers, Journal of Real Estate Research, 35(1) 25-51.
- Lizieri, C., Satchell, S. and Wongwachara, W. (2012) Unsmoothing Real Estate Returns: A Regime-Switching Approach, Real Estate Economics, 40(4), 775-807. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6229.2012.00331.x
- Lizieri, C., Marcato, G., Ogden, P. and Baum, A. (2012) Pricing Inefficiencies in the Private Real Estate Market Using Total Return Swaps, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 45(3), 774-803, DOI: 10.1007/s11146-010-9268-x
- Scott, P. and Lizieri, C. (2012) Consumer house price judgements: new evidence of anchoring and arbitrary coherence, Journal of Property Research, 29(1) 49-68 DOI 10.1080/095999916.2011.638144
- Lizieri, C. (2011) Global Cities, Office Markets and Capital Flows in International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities, Derudder, B., Hoyler, M. & Taylor P. (editors), Edward Elgar
- Yuo, S-T, Lizieri, C., McCann, P. And Crosby, N. (2011), Rental Values in UK Shopping Malls, Urban Studies, 48(8) 1667 - 1680
- Crosby, N., Lizieri, C. and McAllister, P. (2010) Means, Motive and Opportunity? Disentangling Client Influence on Performance Measurement Appraisals, Journal of Property Research, 27(2), 181-201
- Hendershott, P, Lizieri, C and MacGregor, B (2010) Asymmetric Adjustment in the London Office Market, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 41, 80-101.
- Lizieri, C. (2009) Towers of Capital: Office Markets and International Financial Services Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
- Hoesli, M., Lizieri, C. and MacGregor, B. (2008) The Inflation Hedging Characteristics of US and UK Investments: A Multi-Factor Error Correction Approach, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 36(2) 183-206.
- Lizieri, C., Satchell, S. and Zhang, Q. (2007) The Underlying Return Generating Factors for REIT Returns: An Application of Independent Component Analysis, Real Estate Economics, 35, 567-596.
- Devaney, S & Lizieri, C. (2005) Individual Assets, Market Structure and the Drivers of Return, Journal of Property Research, 22, 287-307
- Knight, J, Lizieri, C. & Satchell, S. (2005) Diversification When It Hurts? The Joint Distributions of Real Estate and Equity Markets, Journal of Property Research, 22, 309-323.
- Crosby, N, Hughes C, Lizieri, C & Oughton, M. (2005) A Message from the Oracle: The Land-Use Impact of a Major In-Town Shopping Centre, Journal of Property Research, 22(2-3), 245-265.
- Collett D, C Lizieri & C Ward (2003) Timing and the Holding Periods of Institutional Real Estate Real Estate Economics 31(2), 205-222.
- Lizieri C (2003) Occupier Requirements in Commercial Real Estate Markets Urban Studies, 40, 5/6, 1151-1169.
- Lizieri C, P McAllister & C Ward (2003) Continental Shift? An Analysis of Convergence Trends in European Real Estate Equities, Journal of Real Estate Research, 25(1), 1-22
- Gibson V & C Lizieri (2001) Friction and Inertia: Corporate Change, Real Estate Portfolios and the UK Office Market, Journal of Real Estate Research, 21(1/2) , 59-79
- Hamelink, F., Hoesli, M. Lizieri C. & MacGregor B. (2000) Homogenous Commercial Property Market Groupings and Portfolio Construction in the UK, Environment & Planning A, 32(2) 323-344
- Lizieri C., Baum A. & Scott, P. (2000) Ownership, Occupation and Risk: A View of the City of London Office Market, Urban Studies, 37(7) 1109-1129
Other publications:
See my World Economic Forum blog
A blog on our Land Monopoly paper is available here:
Text of my keynote at the 2023 International AREUEA Conference is here: