14:00 - 15:15
All postdoctoral researchers and PhD students whose work is related to the theme of transformational ways of living and learning
Room GS5, Ground floor of the Donald McIntyre Building, 184 Hills Road



If you are a PhD student or postdoctoral researcher in the School of Humanities and the Social Sciences at the University of Cambridge, and your research engages with the theme of transformational ways of living and learning, you are invited to join the ECR Transformations Network Event.


This is an opportunity to get to know other ECRs, to develop your networks, and to find out about the range of research happening across the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Join us for a workshop on the 8th February to find out more about the research which is happening on this topic in the university, to discuss how we might engage with the theme of ‘transformation’ in our work, and to get involved in shaping future ECR events.


All postdoctoral researchers and PhD students whose work is related to the theme of transformational ways of living and learning are encouraged to attend. This theme encompasses a broad range of topics, including the transition to carbon net-zero, sustainability, alternative forms of housing, transformative ways of learning, educational transformations, the increased use of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, housing for an ageing population, and much more besides. If your work is in any way related to the idea of transformation, or you think you might be interested in similar themes going forward, please feel free to sign up.


There will also be tea, coffee, and cake!


Please sign up on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/early-career-network-event-transformational-ways-of-living-and-learning-tickets-803985200377?aff=oddtdtcreator


Or email Hannah Holmes for more information: hh529@cam.ac.uk