What is the Cambridge University Land Society?
Contact with the Department does not cease on graduation. The Cambridge University Land Society (CULS) is the oldest, largest and most active departmental alumni society in the University and has almost 1,000 members, all alumni of the University of Cambridge working in property, be they surveyors, architects, lawyers or working in the finance and investment sectors, and including some influential players.
CULS organises around 15 events annually ranging from breakfast briefings and panel discussions on topical themes, through tours of new iconic additions to the London skyline to drinks receptions and dinners. Amongst its members are some of the most influential players in the property industry today. Free student tickets are available to most events on application.
Each year the Society organises at least one Careers Fair in Cambridge for Land Economists, usually in October, and Society Members work with the Department's Mentoring Scheme to provide mentors for students.
The work of the Society is carried out by a Committee and a number of Forums covering Real Estate Finance, Rural Affairs, the Global Economy, Commercial Property and Europe. It has an active forum of younger members, the Silver Street Group, which organises events for members who have graduated within the past 15 years.
The Society makes a number of Annual Prize Awards to graduates and undergraduates for academic excellence in the Tripos and MPhil degree examinations:
- Noel Dean Prize (for best overall performance in Part II)
- Gordon Cameron Memorial Prize (for best performance in Paper 7)
- Jeffery Switzer Prize (for best performance in Paper 14)
- Mike Turner Prize (for best performance in Paper 15)
- CULS Prize (for best overall performance in Part 1B)
- Nigel Allington Prize (for best overall performance in Paper 1)
- Douglas Blausten Prize (for best performance in the dissertation for the Real Estate Finance Mphil)
- Alistair Ross-Goobey Prize (for best overall performance on the Real Estate Finance Mphil)
The Society publishes an annual magazine, free to members, including articles and contributions from members on property and wider issues.
Surplus funds from sponsorship and ticket sales of events go towards supporting the Department of Land Economy. In 2010, a CULS Fellowship was established for the teaching of a valuation and accounting module for first year students and in 2011 the Society was able to give financial support to a Readership in Real Estate Housing Finance. It has also established a Research Fund to support teaching staff with the cost of doing their research.
The Society supported the setting up of the Cambridge Land Economy Advisory Board which contributes time, global industry knowledge and financial support to the Department of Land Economy.
Find out more at: http://www.culandsoc.com/
Why should you join?
Because you will meet interesting people, go to fascinating places, keep in touch with fellow graduates and further your business contacts. Networking at CULS events can put you in touch with influential people who could help you along your career path.
Membership is free whilst a student and for one year after graduation.
How do I join?
Please go to the CULS membership page here.