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Visiting Scholars’ Poster Session and Networking – March 2024


Every year the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge welcomes visiting scholars from institutions across the world, whether they are PhD students starting out on their academic career or experienced researchers looking to collaborate with our academics to further their particular project.


So, essentially if you are interested in becoming a Visiting Scholar you will fall into one of two categories:  Visiting Academic Researcher or Visiting PhD Student.  It is important to be clear which status you are as it may affect the visa you need to enter the UK should you wish to visit with us in person.


A Visiting Academic Researcher is employed by a Higher Education institution or other research organisation, e.g. a Postgraduate Research Associate, an Associate Lecturer or Professor and is actively involved in research alongside their other institutional responsibilities.


A PhD Student is exactly that, a postgraduate registered on a course to do doctoral research and with permission from their home institution to come to Cambridge to enrich their studies.


For full details on how to apply and preparation for arrival and life in Cambridge please see our Visiting Scholars’ Handbook.


Hinc lucem et pocula sacra

From this place, we gain enlightenment and precious knowledge

(Our University Motto)