Home Institution

Tsinghua University



Helen Bao


Research Topic

Spatial Analysis



Chong Liu holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Tsinghua University, China. He is currently engaged in independent postdoctoral research at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. His research focuses on applying mathematical approaches to Classical political economy, Marxian economics and Post-Keynesian economics. He is also interested in Chinese study from the economic perspective and quantitative spatial analysis.


List of Publications

  1. Bangxi Li, Chong Liu, Feng Zhao and Yanghua Huang (2019). Production Structure, Income Distribution and Macroeconomic Efficiency: An Analytical Framework and Empirical Study of Marxist Political Economy (in Chinese). Economic Research Journal, 54 (3): 181-193
  2. Chong Liu and Lirong Jiang (2022). The French Regulation School: Core Concepts, Theoretical Evolution and Enlightenment (in Chinese). China Review of Political Economy, 13 (6): 146-174

Working papers

  1. Toward a Three-Sectoral Reproduction Model of Fixed Capital Depreciation and Investment-Driven Economic Growth: Theory and Policy Simulations from Chinese Input-Output Data (with Bangxi Li and Jim Huangnan Shen)
  2. Real Economy and Economic Fictionalization: Theoretical Framework and Indicator Construction (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li and Liang Chen)
  3. Fixed Asset Investment, Accelerated Depreciation and Economic Growth: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Evidence (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li and Feng Zhao)
  4. Is There Fictionalization in China’s Economy? A Comparative Analysis of Marxist Political Economy (in Chinese)
  5. Recent Development in Research on Fictitious Capital and Financial Capital (in Chinese)
  6. The Study of Economic Growth from the Perspective of Production Theory: Marx, Neoclassical and Post-Keynesian (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li)
  7. Marx or Keynes? Revision of the Mathematical Model of Endogenous Public Expenditure (in Chinese, with Bangxi Li and Yi Ge)
  8. Coordinated Development and Spatial Spillover Effect of Macroeconomic Eiciency: An Empirical Study Based on the Provincial Input-Output Tables (in Chinese)

Research Grants/Projects

Zijing Scholar