Dr Roche was an academic historian, Judicial Assistant in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division), and practising barrister before returning to academia as a lawyer in 2011. She is Associate Professor of Property Law at the University of Southampton and has been a Centre Fellow since 2011. Her research interests are focused on doctrinal land law in its intersections with contract and equity, histories and philosophies of law, and broader cultural and political history. She is currently doing research on constructive trusts of the home and rented homes, and on land law and the constitution in the 19th and 20th centuries
Key publications:
'Constitutional land law: Mexfield and the 40-shilling freehold', in W Barr (ed), Modern Studies in Property Law: Volume 8 (Hart, August 2015)
'Contract and equity, forfeiture and phones' [2014] Conv 164
Editorial, 'The madwoman in the attic: freeing landlord-tenant law’ [2011] Conv 444
'Kernott, Stack, and Oxley made simple: a practitioner's view' [2011] Conv 123
‘Historiography and the Law of Property Act 1925: The Return of Frankenstein’ [2018] CLJ 600
‘Returning to Clarity and Principle: The Privy Council on Stack v Dowden’ [2017] CLJ 493
‘Estoppel, registration, and the perils of obiter’ [2017] Conv 460
‘Legal history in court: lessons from Mexfield and Southward’ [2016] Conv 286
Not available for consultancy