
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Population, School of Social Sciences, University of Adelaide

Editor-in-Chief, Research in Globalization 

Editor Emeritus, Land Use Policy

Professor Robinson is author of seven single-author books, 150 papers in refereed journals and over 70 book chapters. He has held positions in the Universities of Oxford, Edinburgh, Kingston London, South Australia and Adelaide as well as visiting positions in 18 universities in Australia, Canada, China, India, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. A human geographer, his research focuses on rural development and environmental management, including implementation of agri-environment schemes and ‘green’ decision making by householders. He has worked on research projects funded by the Australian Research Council, the European Union, the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), charitable foundations (including Carnegie, Leverhulme and Gilchrist), and governments at various levels.

His latest book, Transforming Rural China (Elgar), examines the dramatic changes in the Chinese countryside over the last four decades against the backdrop of rapid urbanization, technological innovation and China’s rise to global power status. Previous books include Geographies of Agriculture (Pearson), Methods and Techniques in Human Geography (Wiley), and Conflict and Change in the Countryside (Wiley). He has also edited the Handbook on the Globalization of Agriculture (Elgar) and Sustainable Rural Systems (Ashgate). Editor of the Elsevier journal, Land Use Policy for 12 years and now Editor Emeritus, he has been Editor-in-Chief of another Elsevier journal, Research in Globalization, since its inception in 2017.

Guy’s office holding currently includes Co-Chair/Treasurer of the IGU Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering (AGLE) and Vice-President of the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia (RGSSA). He has been Chair of the Rural Geography Research Group of the RGS-IBG, President of the British Australian Studies Association (BASA), Secretary of the British Universities’ Heads of Geography, a member of the Council of British Geography (CoBRIG), and a member of the Geography Panel for the UK’s Research Assessment Exercise.

Guy’s recent research has focused on multifunctional agriculture and rural landscapes in peri-urban areas in China and Australia, irrigators’ responses to risk in South Australia’s Riverland, and planning to improve preparedness for bushfires/wildfires. He is working on a book about the Forest Transition, for the International Geographical Union (IGU) Series on Contemporary Geographies.