Ehwi, R.J., Holmes, H., & Burgess, G. (under review) ‘Shaping Smart Cities: Problem framing, vertical selection and governance in UK Smart Cities, Urban Geography
Ehwi, R.J., Holmes, H., Maslova, S. & Burgess, G. (under review)’ Towards a co-creative form stakeholder engagement in Smart City projects. Urban Affairs Review
Ehwi, R.J., Maslova, S., Burgess, G (under review) ‘Examining the Approaches for Estimating the Size of the Self-Build and Custom-housebuilding in the UK’ Land Use Policy
Ehwi, R.J, Oti-Sarpong, K., Burgess, G., Lenhard, J. and Meng, E. (under review) Modular homes for people experiencing homelessness: A new approach to tackling homelessness in Cambridge, England. Human Ecology.
Oti-Sarpong, K. and Burgess, G. (under review) Undertaking building projects using offsite manufacturing: Exploring the role of a systems integrator through a complex product systems model. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
Oti-Sarpong, K., Shojaei, R., Dakhli, Z, Burgess, G. and Zaki, M. (under review) A critical examination of pre-manufactured value as a performance evaluation metric for the adoption and use of modern methods of construction: insights from UK industry experts. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
Oti-Sarpong, K., Ehwi, R.J, Shojaei, R. and Burgess G. (under review) A critical review of the literature on off-site manufacturing for construction project delivery. Construction Innovation.
Shojaei, R. and Burgess, G. (2022) Non-technical inhibitors to uptake digital innovation in the construction industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122036.
Shojaei, R. S., Oti-Sarpong, K., & Burgess, G. (2022). Leading UK construction companies’ strategies to tackle BIM training and skills challenges . International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 1-22.
Ehwi, R.J., Holmes, H., Maslova, S., Burgess, G. (2022) The ethical underpinnings of Smart City governance: Decision-making in the Smart Cambridge Programme. Urban Studies, February 2022. DOI:10.1177/00420980211064983.
Holmes, H. and Burgess, G. (2022) Digital exclusion and poverty in the UK: How structural inequality shapes experiences of getting online. Digital Geography and Society, 2022, 3. DOI: 10.1016/j.diggeo.2022.100041.
Shojaei, R.S., Oti-Sarpong, K. and Burgess, G. (2022) Enablers for the adoption and use of BIM in main contractor companies in the UK. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI:
Burgess, G., Holmes, H. and Stirling, P. (2021) Ageing well: Housing options and alternative models of living for later life, in Research in Practice (eds.), Ageing well – building a system to meet the needs of the next generation of older adults. [Online]. Available at:
Ehwi, R.J., Oti-Sarpong, K., Shojaei, R. and Burgess, G. (2021): Offsite manufacturing research: a systematic review of methodologies used. Construction Management and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2021.2007537.
Holmes, H. and Burgess, G. (2021) Homelessness prevention through one-to-one coaching: the relationship between coaching, class stigma, and self-esteem. Housing, Theory and Society. DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2021.1887348.
Oti-Sarpong, K, Lärn, E, Burgess, G and Zaki, M (2021) Transforming the construction sector: an institutional complexity perspective. Construction Innovation, Vol (ahead of print). DOI:
Oti-Sarpong, K., Shojaei, R., Dakhli, Z., Burgess, G. and Zaki, M. (2021) How countries achieve greater use of offsite manufacturing to build new housing: identifying typologies through institutional theory. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021,
Key publications:
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Stirling, P. and Burgess, G. (forthcoming) The promises and the reality of smart, digital telecare in England. Housing, Care and Support.
- Holmes, H. and Burgess, G. (2021) Homelessness Prevention through One-To-One Coaching: The Relationship between Coaching, Class Stigma, and Self-Esteem. Housing, Theory and Society. DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2021.1887348.
- Burgess, G. and Quinio, V. (2020) Unpicking the downsizing discourse: understanding the housing moves made by older people in England. Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1754346.
- Lee, C., Burgess, G., Kuhn, I., Cowan, A. and Lafortune, L. (2020) Community exchange and time currencies: a systematic and in-depth thematic review of impact on public health outcomes. Public Health, 180: 117-128. DOI:
- Burgess, G. and Muir, K. (2019) The Increase in Multigenerational Households in the UK: The Motivations for and Experiences of Multigenerational Living. Housing, Theory and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2019.1653360.
- Lord, A., Burgess, G., Gu, Y., & Dunning, R. (2019). Virtuous or vicious circles? Exploring the behavioural connections between developer contributions and path dependence: Evidence from England. Geoforum, 106: 244-252. DOI:
- Burgess, G. (2018) What is the potential for community currencies to deliver positive public health outcomes? Case study of Time Credits in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK. Journal of International Community Currencies, Vol 21 (Summer): 19-32.
- Burgess, G. and Durrant, D. (2018) Reciprocity in the co-production of public services: the role of volunteering through community time exchange? Social Policy and Society, 1-16. DOI:10.1017/S1474746418000076.
- Burgess, G., Kelemen, M., Parsons, L. and Moffat, S. (2017) Performative Knowledge Production: Fresh Insights into Marketplace Exclusion. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Volume 20, Issue 4, 486-511.
- Alova, G. and Burgess, G. (2016) Housing Poverty in Ecuador: Challenges to Eradication. Survey Review.
- Burgess, G. and Monk, S. (2016) Delivering planning obligations – are agreements successfully delivered? Planning gain: providing infrastructure and housing in (Eds.) Crook, A. and Whitehead, C. Wiley Blackwell.
- Burgess, G. and Morrison, N. (2016) Improving housing outcomes: the value of advice and support for vulnerable older people. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31:197–211. (First published online 8th May 2015).
- Burgess, G. (2013). A Hidden History: Women's Activism in Ethiopia. Journal of International Women's Studies, 14(3), 96-107. Available at:
- Burgess, G. and Morrison, N. (2013) Inclusionary housing policy in England: the impact of the downturn on the delivery of affordable housing through Section 106. For special edition of the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Online First.
- Burgess, G. (2012) Book Review: P Patricia Kennett and Chan Kam Wah (eds.) (2011) Women and Housing; an international analysis. Abingdon: Routledge. Journal of Social Policy.
- Burgess, G. (2011) 'When the personal becomes political: using legal reform to combat violence against women in Ethiopia', Gender, Place & Culture, First published on: 10 June 2011 (iFirst).
- Burgess, G., Monk, S., and Whitehead, C. (2011) 'Delivering local infrastructure and affordable housing through the planning system: the future of planning obligations through Section 106.' People, Place & Policy Online: 5/1, pp.1-11.
- Burgess, G. (2011) 'The uneven geography of participation in the global scale: Ethiopian women activists at the global periphery.' Globalizations. Volume 8, Number 2. 163-178.
- Burgess, G. (2010) ‘The impact of the economic downturn on low-cost home ownership in the UK’ pp. 247-260, in Monk, S. and Whitehead, C. (eds.) Making Housing More Affordable: The Role of Intermediate Tenures, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
- Burgess, G. (2009) ‘Paths to greater affordability’, Town and Country Planning, April 2009, Vol. 78 No.4.
- Burgess G. (2008) ‘Planning and the Gender Equality Duty – why does gender matter?’ People, Place & Policy Online: 2/3, pp.112-121.
- Burgess G and Monk S. (2008) ‘Delivering Affordable Housing through the Planning System: Challenges and Good Practice.’ Journal of Housing, Care and Support.
Research Reports
- Burgess, G. and Karampour, K. (2021) Leasehold and freehold charges: Summary of Research Findings. London: MHCLG. Published online with four supporting appendices.
- Holmes, H. and Burgess, G. (2021) Locating OSM: Offsite construction is firmly on the agenda, but where exactly is ‘offsite’? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Stirling, P. and Burgess, G. (2021) Understanding supply, demand and investment in the market for retirement communities in England. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. (2021) Shared Ownership Market Review 2020. London: Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing Association.
- Holmes, H. and Burgess, G. (2021) Locating OSM: Offsite construction is firmly on the agenda, but where exactly is ‘offsite’? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. (2020) Beyond the Pandemic. What should we do? #2 Tackle the Digital Divide. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Published online as part of the University’s Beyond the Pandemic series.
- Burgess, G., Oti-Sarpong, K & Shojaei, R. (2020) Tackling the housing crisis through digital technologies and OSM. Cambridge: Bennett Institute of Public Policy. Part of the series ‘An industrial strategy for tomorrow’.
- Burgess, G. and Stirling, P. (2020) How does the provision of advanced, predictive telecare and smart home technology for older people affect its outcomes? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research. Launched at the Housing LIN Summit 2020 in December.
- Holmes, H. and Burgess, G. (2020) New Horizons: Long term impact of coaching and the wider context of structural poverty. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Schooling, J., Burgess, G., and Enzer, M. (2020) Flourishing systems: re-envisioning infrastructure as a platform for human flourishing. Cambridge: Centre for Digital Built Britain.
- Burgess, G. (2019) Decision maker interactions with Citizens UK. Report for Trust for London. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Musa, C. and Burgess, G. (2019) Centre for Science and Policy: Exploring impact. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. and Quinio, V. (2019) Co-living for vulnerable older people: Stakeholder views. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. and Quinio, V. (2019) Co-living for vulnerable older people: Literature review. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G, Jones, M and Muir, K (2018) BIM in the UK house building industry: opportunities and barriers to adoption. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. (2018) Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Final Report. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. and Quinio, V. (2018) Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Position Paper 4: How could better use of data and digital technologies improve housing delivery through the UK planning system? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. and Quinio, V. (2018) Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Position Paper 3: How will the UK govern, manage and maintain housing stock in a Digital Built Britain? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G., Jones, M. and Muir, K. (2018) Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Position paper 2: What is the role of off-site housing manufacture in a Digital Built Britain? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. and Muir, K. (2018) Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Position paper 1: How can digital tools and technologies support independent living for older people, now and into the future? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Jones, M, Muir, K, Udagawa, C and Burgess, G (2018) The impact of taxation reform on the private rented sector. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Lord, A, Dunning, R, Dockerill, B, Burgess, G and Carro, A (2018) The Incidence and Value of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2016-17. London: MHCLG.
- Burgess, G. (2017) Evaluating the Public Health Outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Project: Final Report. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G, Hamilton C, Jones M, Muir K (2017) Moving insights from the over 55s: what homes do they buy? Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G., Hamilton, C., Jones, M. & Muir, K (2017) Multigenerational living: opportunities for house builders? Final Report (source document) for the NHBC Foundation. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. (2016) Evaluating the Public Health Outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Project: Interim Report. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Markkanen, S. and Burgess, G. (2016) The potential for Time Credits to generate public health outcomes – a conceptual model. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G., Hamilton, C. and Udagawa, C. (2016) Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry, Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Markkanen, S. and Burgess, G. (2016) Introduction to co-production in research: summary report. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Markkanen, S. and Burgess, G. (2015) Introduction to time banking and Time Credits. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Clarke, A., Burgess, G., Morris, S. And Udagawa, C. (2015) Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. and Jones, M. (2015) Road and Sewer Bonds in England and Wales – report to the NHBC. Cambridge: Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Burgess, G. (2014) Mechanisms to increase land supply in Enlgand and Wales. RICS.
- Burgess, G. Crook, T. Jones, M. Monk, S. (2014) Research on the nature of planning constraints. Department for Communities and Local Government Select Committee.
- Burgess, G. (2014) Managing Money Better Evaluation. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research: Cambridge.
- Burgess, G. (2014) FirstStop Evaluation - progress of local partners. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research: Cambridge.
- Burgess, G. (2013) Building social capital through community timebanking. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research: Cambridge.
- Burgess, G. and Monk, S. (2013) Scoping study on service use by the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research: Cambridge.
- Burgess, G. and Monk, S. (2013) Managing hearing loss in vulnerable groups of the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research: Cambridge.
- Burgess, G., Monk, S., Williams, P. (2013) ‘Equity release amongst older homeowners’. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Monk S, Tang C, Burgess G, Whitehead C (2013) ‘International Review of Land Supply and Planning Systems’. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Burgess, G. & Monk, S. (2012). ‘Capturing planning gain – the transition from Section 106 to the Community Infrastructure Levy’. London: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
- Burgess, G. et al. (2012 and 2011) ‘Outputs from the evaluation of FirstStop: the value of information and advice to older people about housing and care’.
- Burgess, G., Clark, A. and Lyall Grant, F. (2011) ‘Domestic violence - assistance for adults without dependant children’. Department of Communities and Local Government.
- Burgess, G. (2011) ‘Evaluation of the Women’s Design Group Project’. Women’s Design Service.
- Burgess, G., Monk, S. and Whitehead, C. (2010) ‘Response to the CLG Select Committee Inquiry on the abolition of regional spatial strategies for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Burgess, G., Monk, S. and Whitehead, C. (2010) ‘How can the planning system deliver more housing?’ York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Burgess, G., Lyall Grant, F., Monk, S., Tang, C. and Whitehead, C. (2010) ‘Evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice service.’ FirstStop.
- Burgess, G., Crook, A., Dunning, R., Ferrari, E., Henneberry, J., Lyall Grant, F., Monk, S., Rowley, S., Watkins, C. and Whitehead, C. (2010a) ‘The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations in England in 2007-08 Final Report’.London: Communities and Local Government.
- Burgess, G. (2009)‘The implications for Low Cost Home Ownership of the UK housing downturn’, Housing Market Intelligence Report, Housebuilder, October 2009.
- Burgess, G. (2009) ‘Equal space’, RICS Land Journal, February-March 2009.
- Burgess, G. (2009) ‘Planning and the Gender Equality Duty – why does gender matter?’, RICS Research Report, May 2009 and RICS FiBRE Series, April 2009.
- Burgess, G., Lyall Grant, F and Whitehead, C. (2009) ‘Low Cost Home Ownership and the Credit Crunch: A Report on Regional Markets and Competition with Private Developers’, Tenant Services Authority.
- Burgess G, Holmans A and Monk S (2008) ‘Beyond the Affordable Housing Study Stage II: A review and analysis of changes in the intermediate housing market in the East of England 2004-2007’, East of England Regional Assembly.
- Monk S, Burgess G, Cousins L and Dunmore K. (2008) ‘Good Practice Guide to Delivering New Affordable Housing on S106 Sites.’ Inspire East and East of England Development Agency.
- Monk S, Burgess G, Cousins L and Dunmore K. (2008) ‘Practice guidance on affordable housing clauses in Section 106 agreements for local planning authorities in Wales.’ Welsh Assembly Government.
- Whitehead C, Monk S, Burgess G, Crook, T and Rowley, S. (2008) ‘Common Starting Points for Section 106 Affordable Housing Negotiations.’ Communities and Local Government.
- Whitehead C, Burgess G, and Lyall-Grant F. (2008) ‘Low Cost Home Ownership: Affordability, Risks and Issues.’ Housing Corporation.
- Whitehead, C., Monk, S., Holmans, A., Burgess, G., and Markkanen, S. (2008) ‘Overview of Availability and Quality of Data Sources: Housing Affordability.’National Housing and Planning Advice Unit.
- Whitehead, C., Crook, T., Burgess, G. and Monk, S. (2007, revised 2008) ‘Submission to the Housing Green Paper’. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Burgess, G., Monk, S. and Whitehead, C. (2007) ‘The Provision of Affordable Housing Through Section 106: The Situation in 2007’.Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Research Paper Series Vol 7 No 14.
- Burgess, G., Monk, S., Crook, T. and Whitehead, C. (2007) ‘The Provision of Affordable Housing through the Planning System: An Update’. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.