Academic profile

I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. My research engages with identifying pathways for building climate-resilient and sustainable food production systems. I am interested in modelling the human-natural resource interactions in the light of the Socio-ecological systems framework. My current research project, Landscape Regeneration Solutions to the Interlinked Extinction and Climate Crises that support Sustainable Development is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC - UKRI). The project aims to identify pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, specifically from farming in the peat lands, and to improve bio-diversity. I focus on analysing the agricultural policy in the UK and its impacts on farm businesses. The duration of the project is 5 years, 2022 – 2027.

Before the NERC project, I have worked on a project titled Transforming India’s Green Revolution through Research and Empowerment for Sustainable Food Supplies (TIGR2ESS), funded by Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF – UKRI). Here, my research focussed on analysing how farming communities managed groundwater to build climate resilience. Groundwater is the principal source of irrigation, a scarce resource in the region and a common pool resource. The duration of the project was 3 years, 2019 – 2022.

I have a doctoral degree from the University of Cambridge, a master’s degree in Planning and Development from the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay and another master’s degree in Economics from Madras Christian College.



Paper I A – Microeconomics, Paper 17 – Land Policy and Development Economics



Bhangaonkar, R., & Fennell, S. (2021). Role of knowledge in the management of groundwater-use for irrigation in micro-watersheds of semi-arid India. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-19.

Kathuria, V., Ray, P and Bhangaonkar, R. A., (2015). Foreign Direct Investment in wind energy sector in India: Testing the effectiveness of state policies using panel data, Energy, 80, 190-202.

Kanagasabapathy. K., Bhangaonkar, R. A. and Pandey, S.J., (2014). Markets and Monetary Policy Transmission, Chapter 6, Handbook on Indian Economy, Oxford University Press.


Bhangaonkar. R and Fennell. S., (Submitted) Social Capital and Collective Action: Management of Common Pool Resource in Semi-arid India: Ecology and Society, Publisher Resilience Alliance

Bhangaonkar. R. and Ranganathan. T. Climate resilient agriculture: Groundwater management in semi-arid India.

Bhangaonkar. R. Sustainable agriculture and livelihoods: a case study of the Odisha Millets Mission.



agriculture, environment, public policy, rural, development economics, microeconomics, econometrics


Research Centres

Centre for Landscape Regeneration, Centre of Development Studies, Centre of South Asian Studies